Clinical evaluation of Mustababbula churna and Takrarista In the management of Grahani


  • Yogita Bisht Delhi University
  • Rajni Sushma



Grahani, Musta, Babbula, Takrarista, Agni, Arista


Background: The disease in which Grahani or the small intestine gets vitiated and there is impairment of agni (digestive fire) is called Grahani. Anatomically Grahani is said to be situated above the umbilicus and between amashaya (stomach) and pakwashaya (intestines). Physiologically it holds the ingested food for the duration of its digestion before the undigested food residue is propelled into the pakwashaya (intestines).  Aim of study: 1) To evaluate the efficacy of Mustababbula churna in the management of Grahani. 2) To evaluate the efficacy the Mustababbula churna and Takrarista in the management of Grahani. Methods: This is a prospective, randomized clinical trial. A total of 80 patients suggestive of features of Grahani roga were enrolled and were randomly divided into two groups- 40 patients each. Group A treated with Mustababbula churna and group B were given Mustababbula churna and Takrarista. The duration of study was 3 months. Results: Both the groups showed statistically significant results in clinical symptoms i.e. altered bowel movements, thirst, anorexia, nausea, blackouts, pain in bones and joints, sour eructations etc but the mean reduction in the symptoms of group B was more than group A. Conclusion:  Mustababbula churna is very effective in the management of Grahani but when used with Takrarista it was more effective and also improved the state of agni (digestive fire). 

Author Biography

Yogita Bisht, Delhi University

PG Scholar

Kayachikitsa department




How to Cite

Bisht, Y., & Sushma, R. (2016). Clinical evaluation of Mustababbula churna and Takrarista In the management of Grahani. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 7(1).



Research Articles