Effect of oral administration of Rasnaadi Ksheera and Tila taila pichu in Udavartini Yonivyapat w.s.r. To Dysmenorrhoea


  • Bhaskaruni Subbalakshmi


Rasnadi Ksheera, Tilataila pichu, artava dosha, Painful menstruation, Udavartini yonivyapat, Dysmenorrhoea


Pain during menstruation incapacitates the female person to attend her routine work and social movements. In Ayurveda, this menstrual pain said to be Udavartini yonivyapat which is one among 20 yonivyapats experienced by woman during menstruation can be correlated to dysmenorrhoea and can also results vandhyatwa (female infertility). The effect of Rasnadiksheera oral and tilatail pichu local in Udavartini yonivyapat with reference to dysmenorrhoea taken up for clinical study. 60 married patients between the age of 18 to 42 years are of Udavartini yonivyapat are subjected. 30 married patients are selected in group A and given only Rasnadiksheera oral. 30 married patients are selected in group B and subjected to both oral Rasnadiksheera and Tilatail pichu (medicated tampon at vaginal cervix) local. Rasnadiyoga powder 5gm. in100 ml. cow milk was boiled and added sugar 5 gm. Patients were advised to take oral 3 hours before food, twice daily i.e. morning and evening for 3 consecutive months, except in menstruation. Tilataila pichu applied for married woman immediate after cessation of menstrual bleeding for five days for three cycles. Shali, nivata Sevanam etc., advised. Day Sleep, night awaking, vegavarodham etc., were restricted. Menstrual cycle, menstrual flow, pain abdomen, intensity of pain, vomiting, backache, head ache, underlying cause like PID, Endometriosis, any inflammatory condition etc. taken as parameters. Relief of the same considered as assessment criteria. Results were subjected to statistical value. Rasnadiksheera oral was highly effective by relieving the pain during menstruation and tilatail pichu was enhancing more by relieving the vitiated vata symptoms.

Author Biography

Bhaskaruni Subbalakshmi

Professor, Department of Prasuti and Stree roga,

DR. B.R.K.R. Govt. Ayurvedic College, Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh) 




How to Cite

Subbalakshmi, B. (2014). Effect of oral administration of Rasnaadi Ksheera and Tila taila pichu in Udavartini Yonivyapat w.s.r. To Dysmenorrhoea. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 5(2). Retrieved from https://ijam.co.in/index.php/ijam/article/view/05272014



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