Critical review of Vasanta Malati Rasa – A Herbomineral Product


  • Manisha B Walunj Gujarat Ayurved University, IPGT &RA Jamnagar,Gujarat.
  • Ankush Gunjal Gujarat Ayurved University, IPGT &RA Jamnagar,Gujarat.
  • Patgiri B J Gujarat Ayurved University, IPGT &RA Jamnagar,Gujarat.
  • Prajapati P K Gujarat Ayurved University, IPGT &RA Jamnagar,Gujarat.


Kharaliya Rasayana, Laghu Vasanta Malati Rasa, Vasanta Malati Rasa, Swarna Vasanta Malati Rasa


Context: Vasanta Malati Rasa is a well Known Kharaliya Rasayana. Though Swarna Vasanta Malati Rasa and Laghu Malini Vasanta Rasa are alleged with this particular name, through texts different formulations have been described with this particular name. Aims: Aim of the present study is to compile all available references of Vasanta Malati Rasa available in text and to study them in comparative manner in terms of their composition, method of preparation, dose, indications and contribution of various texts regarding these particular formulations. Methods and Material: References of Vasanta Malati Rasa were compiled from various Rasa text and compendium and particular contribution of each text was noted. Results: As per Rasa Yoga Sagar a compilation book of Rasaushadhi, total eight formulations were observed to be described as Vasanta Malati Rasa. Among these eight formulations, Swarna Vasanta Malati Rasa, Apurva Malini Vasanta Rasa and Laghu Malini Vasanta Rasa are observed to be quoted by maximum texts. Of these three formulations both Swarna Vasanta Malati Rasa and Laghu Malini Vasanta Rasa consist of Rasaka and Maricha as chief ingredients. Conclusions: Amongst formulations termed as Vasanta Malati Rasa, Swarna Vasanta Malati Rasa and Laghu Vasanta Malati Rasa have been quoted by most seers and are well acclaimed for their rejuvenation effect. Though variation is observed in the description of these two across texts, both are Kharaliya Rasayana with Rasaka and Maricha as chief ingredients and close resemblance is observed in method of their preparation.




How to Cite

Walunj, M. B., Gunjal, A., J, P. B., & K, P. P. (2014). Critical review of Vasanta Malati Rasa – A Herbomineral Product. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 5(3). Retrieved from



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