Prevalence and etiopathogenesis of Upapluta Yonivyapad w.s.r. Vulvovaginitis during Pregnancy: A Survey Study


  • Nilofar Shaikh IPGT & RA,GAU,Jamnagar
  • Shivshankar Rajput
  • Meera Cholera
  • Laxmipriya Dei
  • Shilpa Donga



Upapluta yonivyapad, Vulvovaginitis, Pregnancy, Prevalence, Survey Study, Etiopathogenesis


It is accepted by everyone that Ayurveda is an ancient most literature in medical world. In the early period of Samhita the traces of survey can be seen mainly aiming to the prevention of people suffering from various diseases. Survey is the way by which one can present the classical facts and directives in more practical manner to the current society. Upapluta Yonivyapad is one of the 20 Yonivyapad described by Acharyas. On the basis of the textual description Upapluta Yonivyapad can be compared to vulvovaginitis during pregnancy. Here, Survey study was aimed to elicit etiopathogenesis and prevalence of Upapluta Yonivyapad   in and around Jamnagar city. The Study was conducted on 200 pregnant women attending the OPD of SRPT Dept. (I.P.G.T. & R.A.), Jamnagar, of whom 100% cooperated to give vaginal smear samples to microbiology laboratory. Organisms like gram negative bacteria and yeast were found in (92.5%) and (17.5%) of cases respectively. Etiological factors like Vishamashana in (49%) of cases, Divaswapa (day sleep) in (74.5%), excessive intake of Madhura Rasa in (68.5%) and Ati-Vyavaya (Excessive coitus) in (58%) were observed. Survey questionnaire shows that certain dietary and life style factors contribute towards occurrence of Upapluta Yonivyapad   in maximum i.e. 56.5% of patients.

Author Biographies

Nilofar Shaikh, IPGT & RA,GAU,Jamnagar




Shivshankar Rajput

MS Scholar, Department of Streeroga and Prasooti Tantra, Institute for Post Graguate Teaching & Research in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar

Meera Cholera

Microbiologist,Head,Microbiology Laboratory, Institute for Post Graguate Teaching & Research in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar

Laxmipriya Dei

Profesor & Head, Department of Streeroga and Prasooti Tantra, Institute for Post Graguate Teaching & Research in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurved University Jamnagar

Shilpa Donga

Associate Profesor, Department of Streeroga and Prasooti Tantra, Institute for Post Graguate Teaching & Research in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar-361008, Gujarat




How to Cite

Shaikh, N., Rajput, S., Cholera, M., Dei, L., & Donga, S. (2015). Prevalence and etiopathogenesis of Upapluta Yonivyapad w.s.r. Vulvovaginitis during Pregnancy: A Survey Study. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 6(1).



Research Articles