Observational study of Sara - Asara Parikshana - specially “Majja Sara - Parikshana”


  • Phatak Shruti D Dr D Y Patil school of Ayurved , Nerul, Navi Mumbai




Sarata, Majjasarata, Exclusive characteristics of Majja sarata, Occurrence of Majja sarata, Anthropometric measurements


In Charaka Samhita 10 assessment criteria are described to judge the strength and immunity of a diseased person which are called as ‘ Dashavidha Pariksha’. Sara Lakshana of all seven dhatus along with Satva sara are described under it.This study mainly focussed to screen and assess Majja sara Lakshana. Majja is 6th dhatu among 7 dhatus by order. Total 17 characteristics were compiled mainly from Brihattrayi. In this study population of 100 individuals were screened for Sara parikshana and also for ‘Majja sara’ based on the results of basic screening of Sara Parikshana. The participants who were found ‘Majja sara’ by even minimum one  characteristic were further evaluated by marking method on basis of the exclusiveness of the present characteristics. The results of this were analysed further to get clear view about grade ( Uttama,Madhyama,Alpa,Asara ) of the Sarata depending upon the exclusiveness of the characteristics.

Majja Dhatu by order is 6th dhatu, is called ‘gambhir’ (deeper) dhatu. That might be the reason, Sarata of this dhatu has very rare  occurrence. In this study 100 participants were screened for general Sara Parikshana. Among them only 12 individuals were found  having Madhyam Majja sara lakshana. Remaining 88 fell in category of Alpa Majja sara individuals. Madhyam sara individuals were showing very high occurrence of exclusive Majja sara lakshana (above 80% ). So the quality of  their Majjasarata is definitely superior.


Author Biography

Phatak Shruti D, Dr D Y Patil school of Ayurved , Nerul, Navi Mumbai

Department Kriya Sharir , Associate Professor




How to Cite

D, P. S. (2016). Observational study of Sara - Asara Parikshana - specially “Majja Sara - Parikshana”. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 7(1). https://doi.org/10.47552/ijam.v7i1.761



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