Shodhana of Vang by three different methods and its analytical study


  • Ashwini Y Deshmukh
  • Meenakshi D
  • Amruthkar D
  • Paras D Golecha Dr. G. D. Pol foundation's Y.M.T Ayurvedic medical college and hospital, P. G. institute.



Vang, Shodhana, Dhalana


The process of shodhana i.e. purification is designed for the alteration of the original properties of a substance. The concept of shodhana is being practiced in ayurvedic medicines since samhita kala. Term shodhana indicates the pharmaceutical process of purification of various metals and minerals which is essential before administering them into alchemical as well as therapeutic purpose, and this term is broadly used for Samskara. It was highly accepted by the Pioneers of Rasashastra (8th Century A.D.). Specifically for metals, to convert them into consumable, assimilable, body friendly, form it is important that their compact, hard structure be broken. Vang dhatu is grouped in putilohas and is extensively used in ayurvedic medicinal system for management of some critical diseases like prameha, klaibya etc. Shodhana and Marana are the basic procedures adopted for making these foreign and wild elements, body friendly and tamed to provide maximum benefit. There are a number of procedures explained in rasashatriya texts regarding Shodhana of vang dhatu. The Present paper is a sincere attempt to study physico chemical characteristics of vang dhatu purified by three different methods.


Author Biography

Paras D Golecha, Dr. G. D. Pol foundation's Y.M.T Ayurvedic medical college and hospital, P. G. institute.

P.G. scholar, Department of Rasa shastra and Bhaishajyakalpana




How to Cite

Deshmukh, A. Y., D, M., D, A., & Golecha, P. D. (2016). Shodhana of Vang by three different methods and its analytical study. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 7(2).



Research Articles