Pharmacognostical and Pharmaceutical analysis of Gandhakadi yoga vati


  • Kalawana OTMRKSB
  • Harisha C R
  • Patel K S
  • Kori V K
  • Rajagopala S



Gandhakadi Yoga Vati, Pharmaceutical analysis, Pharmacognostcal analysis


Ayurveda is one of the oldest medical systems having its own strong scientific concepts. Most herbal, Animal and mineral products are used to make Ayurvedic formulations and ancient Ayurvedic Aachaaryas have mentioned various methods to quality control and to standardization those formulations. And also it has been developed different techniques to evaluate the quality of medicines by modern science. So there is a current need of analyze Ayurvedic products also according to modern scientific pharmaceutical and pharmacognostical parameters for the global acceptance of Ayurveda. Hence the present study was carried out to pharmacognosticaly analyze the ingredients and finished product of Gandhakadi Yoga Vati and to analyze the Physico-chemical parameters of the same. Gandhakadi Yoga Vati is an Ayurvedic formulation used as an adjuvant in the management of Thalassemia Major. Pharmacognostical characteristics of Gandhakadi Yoga Vati  under the microscope showed that oil globules, stone cells & oleoresin contents, of Vidanga (Embelia robusta Burm.f.), fibers and oil globules of Agastya Pathra (S. grandiflora Linn.), warty trichome with base of Bhringaraja (E.alba L.) and crystaline depositions of Gandhaka. In the pharmaceutical study, it was observed that Loss on drying was 3.5 %w/w, pH was 6.5, Alcohol soluble extractive was 8.9 % w/w and water soluble extractive was 5.5 % w/w.  HPTLC study showed 06 peaks at 254 nm and 03 peaks at 366 nm wave lengths.




How to Cite

OTMRKSB, K., R, H. C., S, P. K., K, K. V., & S, R. (2016). Pharmacognostical and Pharmaceutical analysis of Gandhakadi yoga vati. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 7(3).



Research Articles