Vipareeta Malla Taila in the management of diabetic ulcer: A case report


  • Dhyan Surendranath Sree Dharmasthala college of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
  • Prasanna N Rao Professor and Principal, Sree Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan.
  • Gopikrishna BJ Professor and H.O.D, Department of Shalya Tantra, Sree Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan.
  • Avnish Pathak Associate Professor, Department of Shalya Tantra, Sree Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan.



Dushta Vrana, Diabetic ulcer, Vipareeta malla taila, wound healing, Wound management, Web space fungal infection.


Wound management is a common problem, encountered by medical practitioners all over the globe. The development and progression of a diabetic ulcer is made complex by a wide-range of diabetic complications. Without early and optimal intervention, the wound can rapidly deteriorate, leading to amputation of the affected limb. Vipareeta Malla Taila is an oil used in the management of chronic infected wounds mentioned in Ayurveda. A 46 year old Indian man presented with a boil over his left foot with a history of diabetes. After routine examination he underwent incision and drainage followed by daily dressing with gauze impregnated with Vipareeta Malla Taila for 28 days during which his wound healed completely. Sushruta (500BC) was the first to elaborately explain the management of wounds, wherein he explained the use of medicated oils in the management of chronic infected ulcers. Vipareeta Malla Taila helped in wound healing inspite of raised blood glucose levels throughout the treatment duration. Healing of a diabetic ulcer is a long process requiring constant vigil. With the application of Vipareeta Malla Taila, the wound responded by clearance of slough, promotion of healthy granulation and eventual epithelialization in a very short duration





How to Cite

Surendranath, D., Rao, P. N., BJ, G., & Pathak, A. (2016). Vipareeta Malla Taila in the management of diabetic ulcer: A case report. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 7(3).