Comparative role of Squatting Posture & Sitting Posture of Defecation in Anorectal Bleeding


  • Anant V Shekokar
  • Kanchan Borkar



Rectum Bleeding, Awagaha Swedana, , Ayurveda, Defecation Posture.


This paper compared role of squatting posture (Indian system of defecation) with sitting  posture (Western system of defecation) in anorectal disorder specially rectum bleeding along with Awagaha Swedana. Total 60 patients were selected for the same and divided into two groups (30 in each group). Group-A & Group-B patients were instructed to use squatting posture and sitting  posture of defecation respectively along with treatment. All patients were suggested to follow Pathya-Apathya in terms of Dincharya. The relief in bleeding on 15th day was observed 51% & 69% in Group-A & Group-B respectively. Reduction in burning sensation and uneasy defecation was observed more in Group-B as compared to Group-A. Study showed remarkable healing (73%) in Group-B as compared to Group-A (57%). Study suggested that western system of defecation causes less harm in rectum bleeding as compared to Indian system of defecation.


Author Biographies

Anant V Shekokar

Professor & HOD, Dept. of Shalya Tantra

S.V.N.H.T Ayurved College, Rahuri Factory,

Rahuri, Maharashtra.

Pin – 413706

Kanchan Borkar

Associate Professor & HOD, Dept. of Shalya Tantra

S.V.N.H.T Ayurved College, Rahuri Factory,

Rahuri, Maharashtra.

Pin – 413706




How to Cite

Shekokar, A. V., & Borkar, K. (2017). Comparative role of Squatting Posture & Sitting Posture of Defecation in Anorectal Bleeding. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 8(2).



Research Articles