Comparative Pharmacognostical Evaluation of Three Market Samples of Kharjura (Phoenix Dactylifera Linn.)


  • Sujata P Dhoke
  • Harisha C R
  • Prashant Shinde
  • Murali Krishna C
  • Babu G



Dry Kharjura, Red Kharjura, Starch grains, Yellow Kharjura.


Kharjura(Phoenix dactylifera Linn.) fruits (Kharjura) are widely used by the traditional medical practitioners for the treatment of various diseases in their daily practices. According to Ayurvedic principles, the kharjura fruit Phoenix dactylifera sweet (Madhura Rasa) in taste and increase moistness of tissues and balance Pitta and Vata Dosha (humours of body).Its fruits are used in various diseases like Kshaya (Malnutrition), Daha (Burning Sensation), Raktapitta (blood disorders), Murchha (Syncope), Trishna (Thirst), Shrama(exhaustion), Jwara (fever), Swasa (respiratory disorders), Kasa (cough), Madatyaya (Alcoholism) etc. Present study highlights pharmacognostical difference between varieties of two fresh fruits of Kharjura and one variety of Dry Kharjura. The results revealed that the fresh Kharjura variety contains presence of groups of stone cell, lignified stone cells layer, mesocarp cells, cells of parenchyma with starch grains, and dry Kharjura variety contain saccharine contents while silica deposition, starch grains, vascular bundle after stain with xylem.

Author Biographies

Sujata P Dhoke

Research Officer, Regional Ayurveda Research institute for skin disorders, Vijayawada


Research Officer, Regional Ayurveda Research institute for Nutritional disorders, Mandi

Assistant Director In-charge, Regional Ayurveda Research institute for skin disorders, Vijayawada.


Harisha C R

Head, Pharmacognosy Department,  IPGT & RA, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India




How to Cite

Dhoke, S. P., R, H. C., Shinde, P., C, M. K., & G, B. (2018). Comparative Pharmacognostical Evaluation of Three Market Samples of Kharjura (Phoenix Dactylifera Linn.). International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 9(1).



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