The Frequency of Normal Variations of Oral Mucosa in Patients Referred to Qazvin School of Dentistry, Spring, 2015


  • Sara Aghel Oral Medicine Department, School Of Dentistry, Qazvin University of Medical Science, Qazvin, Iran
  • Mahsa Esfehani Oral Medicine Department, School Of Dentistry, Qazvin University of Medical Science, Qazvin, Iran
  • Mahdieh Zarabadipour Oral Medicine Department, School Of Dentistry, Qazvin University of Medical Science, Qazvin, Iran



Normal variation, Frequency, Oral mucosa.


Background: Oral mucosa which covers inside of the mouth is a complex structure that has been adapted for its particular function and anatomical location. Some oral conditions, despite their different physical features, are not pathological; rather, they are considered normal such as Linea Alba, Parotid Papilla, Geographic Tongue and Fissured Tongue. Materials and Methods: in this cross-sectional study 692 patients were registered through clinical examination and fulfillment of predesigned questionnaire. Diagnostic criteria in this study included the normal changes of the oral mucosa (including geographic tongue, fissured tongue, scalloped tongue, parotid papilla, palatal and mandibular torus, Lina Alba, frenal tag, leukoedema, Fordyce granules). Results: 692 people with an average age of 35years participated in this study. The overall sum of oral cavity normal variations was 806, 542 cases of which were female and 264 cases male. Conclusion: In this study 692 patients were examined by specialists; 494 cases, a sum of 71% had oral cavity normal variations. Linea Alba had the highest frequency among normal variations.




How to Cite

Aghel, S., Esfehani, M., & Zarabadipour, M. (2018). The Frequency of Normal Variations of Oral Mucosa in Patients Referred to Qazvin School of Dentistry, Spring, 2015. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 9(1).



Research Articles