Research Article
The Effect of Rasakarpura Drava on Kshudra Kustha
Neky Mehta*, B. J. Patgiri1, B. Ravishankar2,
P. K. Prajapati3
Author for correspondence: Lecturer, Dept of R.S. & B.K., I.C.A.S., Shree Gulabkunvarba ayurved mahavidyalay,
G.A.U., Jamnagar. Mobile no. – 09724348145, E-mail :
1. Reader, Dept of R.S. & B.K.,
2. Head, Dept of
3. Professor and Head, Dept of
R.S. & B.K.,
I.P.G.T. & R.A.,
Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar
Rasakarpura, a Nirgandh type of Kupipakva Rasayana, used to cure
skin disease. Rasakarpura was prepared as per the
reference of Rasatarangini 6/65-71. It is prepared
with Parada (mercury), Sandra Gandhakamla
(concentrated sulphuric acid) and Saindhava
Lavana (rock salt) in the ratio of 1: 1 ½ and approx
1 ½ . The clinical study was carried out on 80 patients of Kshudra
Kustha by using Rasakarpura
Drava (0.1 % solution in distilled water) and same was compared with a standard
drug i.e. Gandhaka Malahara.
The obtained results of clinical trial suggest that both drugs have highly
significant result on the cardinal symptoms of Kshudra Kustha.
Key Words: Rasakarpura, Rasakarpura Drava, Valuka Yantra,
Gandhaka Malahara, Kshudra Kustha
Chikitsa is considered as the best among others due
to their qualities. The drug formulations are to be found more potent and
effective in terms of disease curing. There are so many drug formulations have
been described by Rasacharyas and Rasakarpura
is Nirgandh type of Parada
compound which should be used more precautiously due
to their minute dose and high efficacy along with some toxic effects like
tastelessness, burning sensation in thorax, gingivitis, vomiting, melena, death etc in acute stage and abdominal pain,
convulsion, fever, heamoptysis, gingivitis, death etc
in chronic stage (1). The Kustha, a group of skin
diseases are burning problem nowadays due to deforms in the normal structure of
skin and patient become hateful in the society. Kshudra
Kustha is diseases affecting the Twak
and comprises with following symptoms described in Charak
Samhita Chikitsasthan
7/21-26 Kandu (itching), Srava
(discharge), Vaivarnya (discoloration), Daha (burning), Matsyasaklopam
(scaling), Pidika (papillae), Avadarana
(cracking) (2).
. It is described by
all the Acharyas in their concerned classics. The
disease often manifest on the external surface of the body. So Rasakarpura is prescribed in solution form as according to the
reference of Rasa Tarangini 6/103 for local
application by using cotton and apply genially along with the restricted salty
and fermented diet.
Rasakarpura is used as internal
medicine in disease like Phiranga (syphilis), Atisara (diarrhea), Twak Vikara (skin diseases) etc. (3). It is also used
as external drugs for local application in the form of Rasakarpura
Drava (4) in different skin diseases and considered one of the best remedies
for it.
The ultimate object
of drug research is to get solution which will be therapeutically effective and
safe for all. In present study, Rasakarpura is used
as Rasakarpura Drava and Gandhaka
Malahara is used as known standard drug, both are
subjected to patients of Kshudra Kushtha
for evaluating therapeutic efficacy on Kshudra Kushtha Roga (skin disorder).
The previous study of
Rasakarpura on Vicharchika
(eczema) as internal used reported significant result without any toxic or
adverse effect (5). Amongst mercurial compounds it quite water soluble so it is
absorbed through gut and skin (6) and produced effects. Though it is resembles
to mercuric chloride (HgCl2) Rasakarpura
is a mixture of Mercuric Chloride and other trace elements so it is found less
toxic in therapeutic dose (7).
Aims and objectives:
To evaluate the effect of Rasakarpura
Drava and Gandhaka Malahara
on general symptoms of Kshudra Kustha.
To observe the effect of Rasakarpura
Drava and Gandhaka Malahara
on haematological and bio chemical parameters.
Materials and methods:
Rasakarpura preparation method was
firstly described under the heading of Shweta Parada Bhasma as “Ghansara Rasa” by Rasaprakash Sudhakara in 12th century AD(8). Acharya Ananatadev Suri was the first man (9) who mentioned the Rasakarpura word which indicated its main content i.e. Rasa
(mercury) and its physical property i.e. Karpura
Varna (white colour).
Rasakarpura is highly toxic drug
and is enlisted in the list of poisonous substances under the Ayurvedic and Unani system of medicine in schedule E1 of drugs and
cosmetic act 1940 (10).
For the preparation
of Rasakarpura Drava one gram - 1 g of Rasakarpura was dissolved in one litre
- 1 L of distilled water and filtrated through simple filter paper to make 0.1%
dilution (11).
Siktha Taila
was prepared by 1:5 ratios of Siktha and Tila Taila (12). 20 part of Shuddha Gandhaka Churna was added at 700C and mixed well for
preparing the Gandhaka Malahara.
Criteria for Selection of
The patient having classical symptom of Kshudra
Kushtha like Kandu (itching), Srava (discharge), Vaivarnya
(discoloration), Daha (burning), Matsyasaklopam
(scaling), Pidika (papillae), Avadarana
(cracking), were selected from O.P.D. and
I.P.D. of I.P.G.T. & R.A., Hospital, Jamnagar.
Age group of patients is between 15 – 75 years.
A special detailed proforma was
prepared for comparing all the signs and symptoms based on both the Ayurvedic
and Modern description and a detailed history of each patient was taken.
Laboratory investigations like TC, DC, ESR, blood sugar,
blood urea, S. bilirubin etc. were carried out.
Selected patients
were randomly divided into two groups –
§ Group A: In this group,
patients were treated with Rasakarpura Drava as an
external application.
§ Group B: In this group,
patients were treated with Gandhaka Malahara as an external application.
Raskarpura Drava - Q. S., bds. (min
packing of 30 ml for a week or as per requirement)
Gandhaka Malahara - Q. S., bds. (min
packing of 50 g for a week or as per requirement)
Duration: Rasakarpura Drava - 30 days
Malahara - 30
Criteria for Assessment
Scoring Pattern
Kandu (Itching)
§ No itching |
0 |
§ Occasionally
itching |
1 |
§ Mild itching |
+ 2 |
§ Mild to moderate
itching |
+ 3 |
§ Severe itching |
+ 4 |
Vaivarnya (Discolouration)
§ Normal colour |
0 |
§ Not normal but near
to normal |
+1 |
§ Reddish colouration |
+2 |
§ Slight black
reddish discolouration |
+3 |
§ Deep black reddish discolouration |
+4 |
Srava (Discharge)
§ No discharge |
0 |
§ Occasionally
discharge |
+1 |
§ Discharge on
itching |
+2 |
§ Mild to moderate
discharge on itching |
+3 |
§ Severe discharge |
+4 |
Daha (Burning sensation)
§ No burning |
0 |
§ Occasionally |
+1 |
§ Mild burning |
+2 |
§ Mild to moderate
burning |
+3 |
§ Severe burning |
+4 |
Matsya Saklopam
§ No scaling |
0 |
§ Mild scaling by
rubbing or by itching |
+ 1 |
§ Moderate scaling by
rubbing or by itching |
+ 2 |
§ Sever scaling by
rubbing or by itching |
+ 3 |
§ Scaling without
rubbing or itching |
+ 4 |
Shoola (Pain)
§ No pain |
0 |
§ Occasionally pain |
+1 |
§ Mild pain on touch |
+2 |
§ Mild to moderate
pain |
+3 |
§ Severe pain |
+4 |
Pidika (Papillae)
§ No papillae |
0 |
§ Starting of
papillae |
+1 |
§ Moderately
developed papillae |
+2 |
§ Spreaded over extremities |
+3 |
§ Severely spreaded all over body |
+4 |
Avadarana (Crack)
§ No crack |
0 |
§ Just superficial
crack |
+1 |
§ Mild to moderate
crack |
+2 |
§ 0.5 to 1.0 cm deep
crack |
+3 |
§ Crack with
bleedings |
+4 |
Criteria for Total Assessment of
The result of the
therapy were assessed after the completion on the basis of –
The results of
therapy have been categorized under four categories on the basis of improvement
in symptoms.
Complete and markedly improvement: 75 – 100% relief in
the signs and symptoms was considered as complete and markedly improvement.
Moderately improvement: >50% and <75% relief was
considered as moderate improvement in signs and symptoms.
Mild improvement: 26 – 50% relief in the signs and
symptoms was considered as mild improvement.
Unchanged: Below 25% relief was considered as unchanged.
Follow Up: Patient was revived
after 7 days for a period of 30 days.
Statistical Analysis:
The obtained data
were analyzed statistically. The values were expressed as mean ± SEM. The data were analyzed by paired ‘t’ test and comparison of both test drugs was
analyzed by unpaired ‘t’ test a level of P<0.05 and P<0.01 were
considered as statistical significant and highly significant respectively.
Observations and Results:
For clinical trial
total 80 patients were registered. 45 patients were registered in group A, out
of which 30 patients have completed the treatment course and 7 patients had
complete relief in chief complaints within 30 days duration and 8 patients left
against medical advice. In group B, total 35 patients were registered out of
which 20 patients have completed the treatment course and 8 patients had
complete relief in chief complaints within 30 days duration and 7 patients left
against medical advice.
From registered
patients, 51.25% were female while remaining i.e. 48.75% patients were male. The
maximum number i.e. 35.00% of patients each were of 15 – 30 years and 31 – 45
years of age group, while 20% to 46 – 60 years and only 10% of the patients
were belonged to 61 – 75 years of age group. The data of Deha
Prakriti depicts that maximum numbers of patients
i.e. 38.75% were having Pitta-kapha Prakriti, while 31.25% were of Kapha-vata
Prakriti and 30.00% patents were having Vata-pitta Prakriti.
The data pertaining
to the effect of test drug and standard drug on cardinal symptoms have been
presented in Table – 1. Haematological parameters
(Table – 2) and Biochemical parameters (Table – 3) obtained data show the
effect of test group and standard group on ESR (mm) reveals that, statistically
non-significant decrease was found in test group, but statistically significant
decrease was observed in standard group. Other parameters remain statistically
non significant.
The data of the chief
complaints in Table - 4 shows that majority of the patients i.e. 90.00% were
suffering from Kandu (itching) followed by 74.00% had
Vaivarnyata (discolouration),
46.00% had Daha (burning sensation), 30.00% had Matsyasaklopam (scaling), 28.00% had Shoola
(pain) and 18.00% each in Pidika (papillae) and Avadarana (crack).
Markedly improvement
was found in the symptoms like Kandu (81.48%), Vaivarnya (26.09%), Srava
(84.21%), Daha and Matsyasaklopam
each (78.57%), Shoola (83.33%), Pidika
(66.67%) and Avadarana (50.00%) in Rasakarpura Drava treated group (group A), while Kandu (83.33%), Vaivarnya
(42.86%), Srava, (75.00%), Daha
(77.78%), Shoola (87.50%), Pidika
(100%) and Avadarana (28.57%) in Gandhaka
Malahara treated group (group B). (Table – 5)
Moderate improvement
was found in the symptoms like Kandu (18.52%), Vaivarnya (73.91%), Srava,
(15.79%), Daha (21.43%), Matsyasaklopam
(21.43%), Shoola (16.67%), Pidika
(16.67%) and Avadarana (50.00%) in Rasakarpura Drava treated group (group A), while Kandu (16.67%), Vaivarnya
(50.00%), Srava, (12.50%), Daha
(11.11%), Shoola (100%) and Avadarana
(71.43%) in Gandhaka Malahara
treated group (group B). (Table – 5)
However, mild
improvement was observed in the symptoms Daha i.e.
11.11% only in Gandhaka Malahara
treated group (group B). No patient found in Rasakarpura
Drava treated group (group A) under this criteria. (Table – 5)
In Rasakarpura Drava treated group (group A), patients were
found in Pidika (16.67%), while in Gandhaka Malahara treated group
(group B) Vaivarnya (7.14%), Srava
(12.50%) and Shoola (12.50%) were remained unchanged.
(Table – 5)
On considering the
data of general symptoms, it can be said that statistically significant result
(P<0.05) was obtained in Kandu, while significant
result was also found in Srava (P<0.05), whereas
statistically non-significant results (P>0.1) were found in Vaivarnya and Daha in Rasakarpura Drava treated group (group A) in comparison to Gandhaka Malahara treated group
(group B). (Table – 6)
The mercuric chloride
is soluble in water while Mercurous Chloride is
almost insoluble in water (14). The analytical study suggests that Rasakarpura prepared by Rasa Tarangini
method is 97.98% soluble in distilled water (15) so it is confirmed that Rasakarpura prepared by Rasa Tarangini
method is mercuric chloride along with Sodium, Magnesium, Calcium etc trace
elements (16) and due to this solution was prepared in distilled water for
clinical trial.
The present study was
planned to evaluate the efficacy of Rasakarpura Drava
and Gandhaka Malahara on Kshudra Kustha. Clinical trial
was carried out on 80 patients having classical signs and symptoms of Kshudra Kustha. The patients were
selected irrespective of their age, sex, religion etc. Selected patients were
divided randomly into two groups i.e. group A and B treated with Rasakarpura Drava and Gandhaka Malahara respectively. The results were analyzed on the
basis of improvement in classical features. Investigation parameters
(hematological and biochemical) were also considered as supporting criteria for
Total 45 patients
were registered in group A, out of them 30 patients completed the treatment, 7
patients were relieved completely from the chief complaints within 28 days of
treatment and so they did not want to continue the treatment, 8 patients left
against medical advice. In group B, total 35 patients were registered out of
them 20 patients completed the treatment, 8 patients completely relieved from
the chief complaints within 28 days of treatment schedule and so did not want
to complete the treatment, 7 patients left against medical advice. It can be
said that Rasakarpura Drava and Gandhaka
Malahara both drugs are very effective on the chief
symptoms of disease. Complaints are quickly relieved by drugs.
Discussion on General Observation:
It was observed that
51.25% of patients were female and 48.75% were male. On the basis of data it
can be said that the disease occur in both sex almost equally.
Maximum numbers of
patients i.e. 35% each were from the age groups of 15–30 and 31–45 years. The
results suggest that diseases are prevalent in younger age.
Deha Prakriti:
Maximum numbers of
patients were having Pitta-kapha Prakriti,
but the numbers of the patients in other groups are very nearer to it and Deha Prakriti also depends on the
age which shows, this disease have no relation to the Deha
Prakriti of patients.
Out of all Kshudra Kustha – Dadru, Ekakustha and Vicharchika are common. The occurrence may be due to
climatic condition, because these types of diseases occur chiefly in humid area
and the place where this study was carried out is humid region.
Effect of therapy in improvement
on chief symptoms:
Effect of Rasakarpura Drava (group A), in improvement on the chief
symptoms of Kshudra Kustha
was found to be statistically highly significant. At the level of P<0.001
were obtained in Kandu, Vaivarnya,
Srava, Daha and Matsyasaklopam; Shoola and Pidika at level of P<0.05; and in Avadarana
P>0.1 improvement was observed. Effect of Gandhaka
Malahara (group B), in improvement on the chief
symptoms of Kshudra Kustha
was also found to be statistically highly significant. At the level of
P<0.001 were obtained in Kandu and Vaivarnya; while P<0.01 were obtained in Srava, Daha, Shoola
and Avadarana, while in Matsyasaklopam
and Pidika apparent improvement was observed. (Graph –
Effect of Therapy on
hematological parameters:
Analysis of the
results shows that total 8 hematological parameters were studied. Out of these
only ESR was found to be decreased statistically significant in Gandhaka Malahara treated group
(group B). In Rasakarpura Drava applied group
non-significant decrease was observed in WBC, lymphocyte, monocyte
and ESR and statistically non-significant increase was found in PCV; while
non-significant increase in WBC, neutrophil,
hemoglobin, PCV and non-significant decrease in lymphocyte and eosinophil was observed in Gandhaka
Malahara treated group. Erythrocyte Sedimentation
Rate (ESR) was decreased significantly in Gandhaka Malahara treated group is suggestive of significant progress
in the condition of chronic infection in the patients of this group.
Effect of Therapy on biochemical
Analysis of the
results of obtained biochemical parameters shows that local application of Rasakarpura Drava and Gandhaka Malahara did not produce any significant alteration in any
of the studied parameters.
Comparative effect of test drug
and standard drug on the improvement of symptoms of Kshudra
The main aim of the
present study was to evaluate the better therapeutic efficacy of Rasakarpura Drava and Gandhaka Malahara. So the comparative results of therapy on various
symptoms are being presented here.
Markedly improvement
was observed in symptoms like Srava, Daha, Matsyasaklopam, Avadarana whereas moderately improvement in Kandu, Vaivarnya, Srava, Daha, Shoola,
Pidika while no change in Pidika symptoms was found in Rasakarpura
Drava treated group.
Gandhaka Malhara
treated group shows markedly improvement in symptoms like Kandu,
Vaivarnya, Shoola and Pidika while moderately improvement in Matsya
Saklopam and Avadarana,
while mild improvement in Daha and no change was
found in Vaivarnya, Srava
and Shoola symptoms.
Rasakarpura Drava shows better
improvement in the cardinal symptoms of the patients of Kshudra
Kustha in comparison to Gandhaka
Malahara treated patients, when overall improvement
in the cardinal symptoms is considered. The comparative improvement was found
to be statistically significant in Kandu and Srava symptoms and non-significant in Daha,
while in Vaivarnya both drugs were found to be
equally effective.
Rasakarpura and Gandhaka Malahara both are found
to be effective in the symptoms of Kshudra Kustha on local application, but effect of Rasakarpura Drava is observed better than that of standard
drug i.e. Gandhaka Malahara.
Arya M.
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2. Acharya Agnivesha,
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Series Office, Varanasi, 2000
3,4,11,12. Sharma S. N., Rasa Tarangini, Shastri K. N., Hindi commentary, Motilal Banarasi Das, Delhi, 2004
4. 5. H. Yery Swamy et.
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and its efficacy in skin disorders w.s.r. to Vicharchika, M.D. (Ayu)
dissertation, G.A.U., Jamnagar, 1984.
5. 6. Howard Hu et al, Heavy metal poisoning in Harrison’s Principles of
Internal Medicine, Vol. II, 16th edition,
6. 7,15,16.
Mehta N. J. et. al, Pharmaceutical standardisation of
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7. 8. Bhatt Yashodhara, Rasa Prakash Sudhakar, Mishra S. N. Hindi
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9. Suri A. D., Rasa
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9. 10. Mallik V., Drugs and Cosmetics Act. 1940, Eastern Book
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11. 14. Datta P. K., General and Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. II, Sarat Book House, Calcutta, 1996.
Table – 1: Effect of test and
standard drug in patients on cardinal symptoms of Kshudra
Symptoms |
Group |
Dose |
Mean ± SEM |
% change |
‘t’ |
P |
B.T. |
A.T. |
Change |
Kandu |
A (n=30) |
Q.S. |
2.40±0.20 |
0.27±0.08 |
2.13 ±
0.18 |
88.75¯ |
11.83 |
<0.001** |
B (n=20) |
Q.S. |
.21 |
0.20±0.12 |
1.45 ±
0.20 |
87.88¯ |
07.15 |
<0.001** |
Vaivarnya |
A (n=30) |
Q.S. |
1.67±0.19 |
0.57±0.09 |
1.10 ±
0.14 |
65.87¯ |
7.86 |
<0.001** |
B (n=20) |
Q.S. |
1.55±0.26 |
1.05±0.22 |
1.10 ±
0.22 |
70.98¯ |
5.00 |
<0.001** |
Srava |
A (n=30) |
Q.S. |
0.10±0.06 |
1.27±0.20 |
92.70¯ |
6.35 |
<0.001** |
B (n=20) |
Q.S. |
0.80±0.25 |
0.20±0.16 |
0.60±0.21 |
75.00¯ |
2.86 |
<0.01** |
Daha |
A (n=30) |
Q.S. |
0.83±0.17 |
0.10±0.06 |
0.77 ±
0.76 |
92.77¯ |
4.81 |
<0.001** |
B (n=20) |
Q.S. |
0.80±0.22 |
0.15±0.11 |
0.65 ±
0.18 |
81.25¯ |
3.61 |
<0.01** |
Matsya Saklopam |
A (n=30) |
Q.S. |
1.07±0.23 |
0.13±0.06 |
0.90 ±
0.20 |
84.11¯ |
4.50 |
<0.001** |
B (n=20) |
Q.S. |
0.10±0.10 |
0.05±0.05 |
0.05 ±
0.05 |
50.00¯ |
1.00 |
>0.1 |
Shoola |
A (n=30) |
Q.S. |
0.37±0.15 |
0.03±0.03 |
0.33 ±
0.14 |
89.18¯ |
2.36 |
<0.05* |
B (n=20) |
Q.S. |
0.70±0.21 |
0.15±0.15 |
0.60 ±
0.20 |
85.70¯ |
3.00 |
<0.01** |
Pidika |
A (n=30) |
Q.S. |
0.33±0.14 |
0.07±0.05 |
0.27 ±
0.13 |
81.82¯ |
2.08 |
<0.05* |
B (n=20) |
Q.S. |
0.30±0.18 |
0.00±0.00 |
0.30 ±
0.18 |
100¯ |
1.67 |
>0.1 |
Avadarana |
A (n=30) |
Q.S. |
0.13±0.09 |
0.03±0.03 |
0.10 ±
0.07 |
76.92¯ |
1.43 |
>0.1 |
B (n=20) |
Q.S. |
1.00±0.33 |
0.35±0.13 |
0.65 ±
0.22 |
35.00¯ |
2.95 |
<0.01** |
** = Highly
significant * = Significant ¯
= Decrease
Table – 2: Effect of test and
standard drug on Haematological parameters in
patients of Kshudra Kustha
Parameters |
Group |
Dose |
Mean ± SEM |
% change |
‘t’ |
P |
B.T. |
A.T. |
Change |
Neutrophil(%) |
A (n=30) |
Q.S. |
58.07±1.20 |
58.43±1.10 |
0.50±1.04 |
0.86 |
0.48 |
>0.1 |
B (n=20) |
Q.S. |
58.20±1.21 |
59.95±1.77 |
1.75±1.75 |
3.01 |
1.0 |
>0.1 |
Lymphocyte (%) |
A (n=30) |
Q.S. |
35.43±1.13 |
35.37±1.10 |
0.07±0.96 |
0.20¯ |
0.07 |
>0.1 |
B (n=20) |
Q.S. |
35.20±1.17 |
34.00±1.74 |
1.20±1.73 |
3.41¯ |
0.69 |
>0.1 |
Eosinophyl (%) |
A (n=30) |
Q.S. |
3.37 ±
0.22 |
3.27 ±
0.14 |
0.11±0.24 |
3.26¯ |
0.46 |
>0.1 |
B (n=20) |
Q.S. |
3.60 ±
0.18 |
3.15 ±
0.15 |
0.45±0.22 |
12.50¯ |
2.05 |
>0.05 |
Monocyte (%) |
A (n=30) |
Q.S. |
3.13 ±
0.09 |
2.93 ±
0.11 |
0.20±0.12 |
6.39¯ |
1.66 |
>0.1 |
B (n=20) |
Q.S. |
3.00 ±
0.10 |
2.90 ±
0.10 |
0.10±0.14 |
3.33¯ |
0.71 |
>0.1 |
Hemoglobin (g%) |
A (n=30) |
Q.S. |
12.28±0.27 |
12.43±0.30 |
0.11±0.21 |
0.90 |
0.52 |
>0.1 |
B (n=20) |
Q.S. |
11.71±0.40 |
11.93±0.43 |
0.41±0.21 |
3.42 |
1.90 |
>0.05 |
PCV (%) |
A (n=30) |
Q.S. |
38.12±0.74 |
38.72±0.83 |
0.60±0.54 |
1.57 |
1.11 |
>0.1 |
B (n=20) |
Q.S. |
36.75±1.18 |
37.32±1.22 |
1.11±0.88 |
3.02 |
1.26 |
>0.1 |
ESR (mm) |
A (n=30) |
Q.S. |
21.77±3.67 |
18.13±2.81 |
3.67±3.44 |
16.86¯ |
1.07 |
>0.1 |
B (n=20) |
Q.S. |
31.20±4.74 |
22.70±3.42 |
8.50±3.61 |
27.24¯ |
2.35 |
<0.05* |
¯ = Decrease = Increase * = Significant
Table – 3: Effect of test and
standard drug on Biochemical parameters in patients of Kshudra
Parameters |
Group |
Dose |
Mean ± SEM |
% change |
‘t’ |
P |
B.T. |
A.T. |
Change |
Blood Sugar (mg/dl) |
A (n=30) |
Q.S. |
93.22±2.06 |
95.93±4.16 |
3.87±4.29 |
4.15 |
0.90 |
>0.1 |
B (n=20) |
Q.S. |
90.65±2.54 |
91.45±2.67 |
0.80±3.28 |
0.88 |
0.24 |
>0.1 |
S. creatinine (mg/dl) |
A (n=30) |
Q.S. |
1.01 ±
0.03 |
1.97 ±
0.02 |
0.03±0.03 |
2.97 |
1.0 |
>0.01 |
B (n=20) |
Q.S. |
1.01 ±
0.03 |
0.98 ±
0.02 |
0.03±0.03 |
2.97¯ |
1.0 |
>0.1 |
S. cholesterol
(mg/dl) |
A (n=30) |
Q.S. |
185.00±4.43 |
179.83±5.16 |
4.00±3.63 |
2.16¯ |
1.10 |
>0.1 |
B (n=20) |
Q.S. |
194.95±7.48 |
186.80±5.12 |
8.15±5.22 |
4.18¯ |
1.56 |
>0.1 |
S. bilirubin (mg/dl) |
A (n=30) |
Q.S. |
0.68 ±
0.04 |
0.67 ±
0.03 |
.03 |
4.41¯ |
0.75 |
>0.1 |
B (n=20) |
Q.S. |
0.66 ±
0.04 |
0.61 ±
0.05 |
0.05±0.03 |
7.57¯ |
1.67 |
>0.1 |
A (n=30) |
Q.S. |
20.43±0.93 |
20.63±0.87 |
0.17±1.02 |
0.83 |
0.17 |
>0.1 |
B (n=20) |
Q.S. |
24.60±3.23 |
20.30±1.57 |
4.15±2.23 |
16.87¯ |
1.86 |
>0.05 |
A (n=30) |
Q.S. |
20.53±0.75 |
20.93±0.71 |
0.04±0.97 |
1.97 |
0.41 |
>0.1 |
B (n=20) |
Q.S. |
21.25±1.92 |
21.55±1.09 |
0.30±1.65 |
1.41 |
0.18 |
>0.1 |
Alkaline phosphatase (IU/L) |
A (n=30) |
Q.S. |
66.10±4.03 |
65.67±3.04 |
0.43±4.19 |
0.65¯ |
0.10 |
>0.1 |
B (n=20) |
Q.S. |
66.45±3.54 |
60.35±3.76 |
6.10±4.46 |
9.18¯ |
1.37 |
>0.1 |
S. albumin (g/dl) |
A (n=30) |
Q.S. |
3.99 ±
0.04 |
3.99 ±
0.05 |
0.01±0.01 |
0.25¯ |
0.17 |
>0.1 |
B (n=20) |
Q.S. |
4.09 ±
0.05 |
4.07 ±
0.06 |
0.03±0.06 |
0.73¯ |
0.50 |
>0.1 |
S. globuline (g/dl) |
A (n=30) |
Q.S. |
3.18 ±
0.05 |
3.10 ±
0.03 |
0.09±0.05 |
2.83¯ |
1.80 |
>0.05 |
B (n=20) |
Q.S. |
3.22 ±
0.06 |
3.18 ±
0.05 |
0.04±0.07 |
1.24¯ |
1.57 |
>0.1 |
A/G Ratio |
A (n=30) |
Q.S. |
1.25 ±
0.02 |
1.23 ±
0.02 |
0.03±0.03 |
2.40¯ |
1.0 |
>0.1 |
B (n=20) |
Q.S. |
1.23 ±
0.03 |
1.25 ±
0.02 |
0.02±0.04 |
1.63 |
0.5 |
>0.1 |
S. total protein
(g/dl) |
A (n=30) |
Q.S. |
7.15 ±
0.07 |
7.08 ±
0.06 |
0.06±0.18 |
0.84¯ |
0.75 |
>0.1 |
B (n=20) |
Q.S. |
7.32 ±
0.08 |
7.28 ±
0.08 |
0.04±0.08 |
0.55¯ |
0.50 |
>0.1 |
Blood Urea (mg/dl) |
A (n=30) |
Q.S. |
21.23±1.03 |
20.63±0.80 |
0.60±0.94 |
2.83¯ |
0.64 |
>0.1 |
B (n=20) |
Q.S. |
20.65±1.35 |
20.55±1.30 |
0.10±1.05 |
0.48¯ |
0.09 |
>0.1 |
¯ = Decrease = Increase
– 4: Chief complaints wise distribution of 50 patients of Kshudra
Complaints |
No. of Patients |
Total |
% |
Group A |
Group B |
Kandu (itching) |
27 |
18 |
45 |
90.00 |
Vaivarnya (discolouration) |
23 |
14 |
37 |
74.00 |
Srava (discharge) |
19 |
08 |
27 |
54.00 |
Daha (burning
sensation) |
14 |
09 |
23 |
46.00 |
Matsya Saklopam (scaling) |
14 |
01 |
15 |
30.00 |
Shoola (pain) |
06 |
08 |
14 |
28.00 |
Pidika (Papillae) |
06 |
03 |
09 |
18.00 |
Avadarana (crack) |
02 |
07 |
09 |
18.00 |
Table – 5: Comparative Effect of test and standard drugs
on improvement of symptoms in 50 patients of Kshudra Kustha
Symptoms |
Group |
Improvement (%) |
100 – 75 |
74 – 50 |
49 – 25 |
<25 |
Kandu |
A |
81.48 |
18.52 |
00.00 |
00.00 |
B |
83.33 |
16.67 |
00.00 |
00.00 |
Vaivarnya |
A |
26.09 |
73.91 |
00.00 |
00.00 |
B |
42.86 |
50.00 |
00.00 |
07.14 |
Srava |
A |
84.21 |
15.79 |
00.00 |
00.00 |
B |
75.00 |
12.50 |
00.00 |
12.50 |
Daha |
A |
78.57 |
21.43 |
00.00 |
00.00 |
B |
77.78 |
11.11 |
11.11 |
00.00 |
Matsya Saklopam |
A |
78.57 |
21.43 |
00.00 |
00.00 |
B |
00.00 |
100 |
00.00 |
00.00 |
Shoola |
A |
83.33 |
16.67 |
00.00 |
00.00 |
B |
87.50 |
00.00 |
00.00 |
12.50 |
Pidika |
A |
66.67 |
16.67 |
00.00 |
16.67 |
B |
100 |
00.00 |
00.00 |
00.00 |
Avadarana |
A |
50.00 |
50.00 |
00.00 |
00.00 |
B |
28.57 |
71.43 |
00.00 |
00.00 |
Table – 6: Comparative effect of
test and standard drugs on improvement in general symptoms in the patients of Kshudra Kustha
Group |
‘n’ |
Dose |
Improvement Mean ± SEM |
‘t’ |
P |
Kandu |
A |
30 |
Q.S. |
2.13 ±
0.18¯ |
2.53 |
<0.05* |
B |
20 |
Q.S. |
1.45 ±
0.20¯ |
- |
- |
Vaivarnya |
A |
30 |
Q.S. |
1.10 ±
0.14 ¯ |
0.00 |
>0.1 |
B |
20 |
Q.S. |
1.10 ±
0.22 ¯ |
- |
- |
Srava |
A |
30 |
Q.S. |
1.27 ±
0.20 ¯ |
2.31 |
<0.05* |
B |
20 |
Q.S. |
0.60 ±
0.21¯ |
- |
- |
Daha |
A |
30 |
Q.S. |
0.77 ±
0.16 ¯ |
0.50 |
>0.1 |
B |
20 |
Q.S. |
0.65 ±
0.18 ¯ |
- |
- |
* = Significant ** = Highly
significant ¯ = Decrease = Increase
Graph - 1: Graph
shows the effect of both drug in chief symptoms