The Effect of Mulaka Beejadi Lepa and Pruthu Nimba Panchaka Churna in the Management of Vicharchika W.S.R. to Eczema 




Kustha, Vicharchika, Eczema Mulaka beejadi lepa, Pruthu nimba panchaka churna.


According to Ayurveda, Vicharchika is a major problem in skin diseases.  All Kusthas are having Tridoshaja origin.The disease Vicharchika to a greater extent resembles eczema/dermatitis.  Despite of great advance in dermatology and the advent of powerful antibiotics, antifungal as well as steroids, Eczema continues to defy the best effect of dermatologists. Hence it is the need of the hour to find out safe and effective medicine for Vicharchika and here comes the role of Ayurveda. The involvement of Vata results in dry, blackish lesion of eczema, itching in those affected areas is due to Kapha and Pitta is responsible for Srava. In classical texts, Ayurveda Acharyas emphasizes shodhana and shamana therapy as the line of treatment at various contexts. So, the study aimed to evaluate efficacy of Mulaka beejadi lepa and Pruthu nimba panchaka churna in vicharchika, 30 children aged 3-16years who were fulfilling the inclusion criteria and diagnostic criteria were selected from Kaumarabhritya OPD and IPD of S.V.Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Tirupati.  Patients were given Mulaka beejadi lepa as external application  and vati prepared with Pruthu nimba panchaka churna 250mg BID  in 3-10years age group and 500mg BID in 11-16yrs age group children for 30days and called for follow up after 15days to note any recurrence.The cases were recorded as per the case Pro forma and observations were recorded. Symptoms were scored and statistically analysed for any change before and after treatment. Mulaka Beejadi lepa as external application and Pruthu Nimba panchaka churna internally are very effective in the management of vicharchika.





How to Cite

V, D., & C, R. K. (2018). The Effect of Mulaka Beejadi Lepa and Pruthu Nimba Panchaka Churna in the Management of Vicharchika W.S.R. to Eczema . International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 9(3), 185–190.



Research Articles