To Study the Efficacy of Yashtimadhuk Tail Pratimarsha Nasya In the management of Khalitya


  • Mamata Prataprao Tirankar S.A.M.C.H,Indore



Khalitya, Tastimadhul Tail, Pratimarsha Nasya, Bruhan, Tarpan karma


Background - Hair loss is a dermatological disorder that has been recognized for more than 2000 yr. It is common throughout the world. The study of Yastimadhuk Tail Pratimarsha Nasya having nourished activities may give a new approach in the treatment of Khalitya (hair fall).  Objectives – To Study the efficacy of Yastimadhuk Tail Pratimarsha Nasya in the management of Khalitya (hair fall). Material and Method- 60 patients participated in this clinical study carried out 7 day each over 91 days .The patient were divided into two groups, first group was treated with Yastimadhuk Tail Pratimarsha Nasya and second group was treated with control only. Both groups were subjected to various clinical sign and other parameter to evaluate antihairfall effect of nasya therapy with Yastimadhuk Tail. Result- The group which taken Yastimadhuk Tail Pratimarsha Nasya showed significant improvement in all clinical Keshapatan and Keshabhumikandu were observed with gradation .and objective parameters namely Visibility of scalp ,Hair pull test, Number of hair approximately in included in the study when composed with control group. Hemogram done for estimation of Hb% before and after treatment was correlated. Discussion – It is though that Yastimadhuk Tail which is Madhur,Snigdha,Guna decrease in Vata and Pitta. Madhur rasa have Bruhan, and Tarpan karma on hair roots which acts antihairfall. Snigdha guna of Tail give relief Keshakandu .Conclusion-Hence it can be concluded that the Yastimadhuk Tail Pratimarsha Nasya when used, it was efficient in treating Khalitya (hair fall) and showed significant relief (p<0.05) in symptoms within 3 month of treatment.





How to Cite

Tirankar, M. P. (2019). To Study the Efficacy of Yashtimadhuk Tail Pratimarsha Nasya In the management of Khalitya. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 10(3), 248–251.



Research Articles