An OPD base Agni Karma (An Ayurvedic therapeutic burn) intervention in Plantar Corn: A case study




Agni karma, foot care, plantar corn, shastra karma


 A Corn is a specially-shaped callus of dead skin that occurs on the thin or glabrous surface of the toe. It presses upon the adjacent tissues and causes severe pain when pressed due to pressure on the nerves. Plantar corns are recalcitrant to the medical line of treatment and being very painful need surgical intervention. Surgery is rarely indicated since the rate of recurrences is as high as with conservative therapy The management of Kadara is aimed at the removal of the hyperkeratosis lesion by Snigdha Agni Karma along with Shastra Karma. Here, we demonstrated an OPD base simple and effective ancient technique in corns as described in Samhita which found to be very beneficial.


Author Biographies

Ravi Dhaliya

Assistant Professor, Dept of Agada Tantra (Toxicology & Forensic Science)

Arjun Gupta

Assistant professor, Department of Shalya tantra, Babe ke Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Daudhar (Moga), Punjab, India


Kanchan Chauhan

Assistant professor, Department of Shalakya Tantra, Babe ke Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Daudhar (Moga), Punjab, India





How to Cite

Dhaliya, R., Gupta, A., & Chauhan, K. (2019). An OPD base Agni Karma (An Ayurvedic therapeutic burn) intervention in Plantar Corn: A case study. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 10(3), 293–296.