The Recent Advancements in Field of Medicinal Plant Research With special reference to Acne Therapy




Acne, Acne therapy, Propionibacterium acnes, Medicinal plant


Acne is an exclusive disease associated with skin occurs when sebaceous glands attain special conditions at face, chest and back in the pre pubertal child. This disease occurs in both male and female, there is no preference among them but the course is more severe in males. Though, there are several treatment methods to treat acne, no particular medication claims a satisfactory and complete remedy. A wide range of synthetic therapeutic agents have also been reported to treat acne but have severe adverse effect. Medicinal plants by virtue of their safe nature and easy availability may lend themselves as potential anti-acne therapy. The present review deals with the proven medicinal plants to treat acne.

Author Biographies

Shyam Baboo Prasad

Research officer (Pharmacognosy), Regional Ayurveda Institute for Fundamental Research, Pune.

Srinivasan Marimuthu

Research officer (Bio-Chemistry), Regional Ayurveda Institute for Fundamental Research, Pune

Goli Penchala Prasad

Assistant Director Incharge, Regional Ayurveda Institute for Fundamental Research, Pune

Mangal A K

Assistant Director (Pharmacognosy), Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, New Delhi. 

Srikanth N

Deputy Director General, Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, New Delhi




How to Cite

Prasad, S. B., Marimuthu, S., Prasad, G. P., K, M. A., & N, S. (2020). The Recent Advancements in Field of Medicinal Plant Research With special reference to Acne Therapy. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 11(1), 10–14.



Review Articles