Management of Chronic Non-Healing Wound using Ayurvedic drugs - A Case Study




Jirna vrana, Non-healing wound, Re-epithelialisation, Irrigation


Sushruta in 1st part of his compendium described about wound healing its types etc. as Vranitopasaniya adhyaya. Ayurveda described so many compound medicines and oil for oral administration and topical application to accelerate the wound healing. But this is not scientifically validated. So there is always a search for finding a newer and better medicine for wound healing. I am presenting a case of 42 year old married male with complain of superficial external wound with mild pain,  mal odour  and not healing  since 45 days in spite of taking allopathic conventional treatment in his lower limb. The study was done in my outpatient department of Central Research institute for cardiovascular disease, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi. On examination it was found that surface area of superficial wound is 22.5 sq. cm. having full thickness, skin loss involving necrosis of subcutaneous tissue extended down to underlying fascia. Necessary laboratory investigations were done prior to initiate the treatment. The wound was irrigated with Panchvalkala kasaya and dressing with Jatyadi Tail was done daily followed by oral intake of Triphala guggulu 500mg twice in a day and Amalaki churna 6gm twice in a day was administered orally for 28th days. Periodic follow up was done on 0, 7, 14, and in 28 days. This regimen was found to be effective in faster wound epithelialization, and reducing wound exudates. There was no evidence of any allergic reaction as well as no evidence showing any adverse event on the wound.

Author Biography

Hemanta Kumar Panigrahi

Research officer (Ay.) Scientist-3, Central Ayurveda Research Institute for Cardiovascular disease, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi,(CCRAS) Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India




How to Cite

Panigrahi, H. K. (2020). Management of Chronic Non-Healing Wound using Ayurvedic drugs - A Case Study. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 11(2), 337–341.