Pharmaceutical Evaluation of Vidangadi Lepaguti An Ayurvedic Topical Formulation




Vidangadi, Lepaguti, Ayurvedic topical, Pharmaceutical evaluation


Background: Vidangadi Lepa is a classical herbo-mineral formulation explained by Chakradutta under Kushtha Chikitsa (skin diseases). Vidangadi Lepa is advised to be applied by mixing with cow’s urine, which is not acceptable by many peoples, inconvenient and easily not available in the modern era. By keeping this in mind, in the present study an attempt has been made to prepare and analyze modified dosage forms of Vidangadi Lepa in the form of Vidangadi Lepaguti. Material and methods: Preparation of Lepaguti was done by triturating the powdered ingredients with cow’s urine in three cycles. Consecutively three batches were prepared to nullify any inaccuracy during the pharmaceutical preparation. Analytical study was done to establish the basic standards for Vidangadi Lepaguti as there is no pharmacopeia standard guideline. The formulation was tested for organoleptic parameters, physicochemical analysis and microbial specification tests. Analysis of samples was conducted as per API standards. Observation and results: All the observations and results during preparation of Vidangadi Lepaguti regarding amount of liquid media required, time taken for each trituration cycle, weight gain after trituration and yield were noted down. The analytical tests performed over prepared samples i.e organoleptic, physicochemical and microbial specification were noted down in tabular form. Conclusion: Standard Vidangadi Lepaguti can be prepared from three Bhawana of Gomutra each for three hours. Prepared Vidangadi Lepaguti will be yellowish brown in color with specific smell of cow urine and average yield can be obtained by 94.28%.

Author Biographies

Mangesh Dhote

PG scholar, Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpna,  Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College Hospital & Research Centre Salod(H) Wardha. India

Bharat Rathi

Professor, Department of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College Hospital & Research Centre Salod(H) Wardha. India

Rita Dongre

PG scholar, Department of Dravyaguna, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College and Research center Salod(H), Wardha. India




How to Cite

Dhote, M., Rathi, B., & Dongre, R. (2020). Pharmaceutical Evaluation of Vidangadi Lepaguti An Ayurvedic Topical Formulation. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 11(2), 212–217.



Research Articles