A Comparative Efficacy Study of the Panchtikta Ghrita Matra Vasti and Panchtikta Ghrita Marsha Nasya in Cervical Spondylosis





Panchatikta ghrit, Matra basti, Nasya, Cervical spondylosis


Introduction- Cervical Spondylosis is now becoming a significant threat to the working population due to its progressive nature of the disease. Modern science provides various types of medical and surgical therapies for Cervical Spondylosis but it is realized that more research is needed for the treatment of Cervical Spondylosis satisfactorily.Aim - To study the efficacy of Panchtikta Ghrita Matra Vasti and Panchtikta Ghrita Marsha Nasya in Cervical Spondylosis. Material & Method- Open randomized parallel comparative clinical study, Phase 2 trial. 30 patients were randomly equal number (n=15) recruited in the study in two groups. In Group A, patients were treated with Panchtiktaghrita Matravastiand in Group B with Panchtiktaghrita Marsha Nasya. Subjective criteria for the study was Manya Shool and Manya Stambha whether objective criteria were CBC, ESR and Neck disability index (NDI). Observation & Result- With respect to the blood investigation CBC and ESR was not found significant (P<0.05). Moreover, radiological changes in X-ray also not found significantly notable. NDI score was found better in both the groups, but mean score of NDI was suggestively improved in Group B (before 45.03, after 13.06) compare to Group A (before 46.26, after 23.06). Conclusion- Both the treatment modalities i.e. Basti and Nasya was effective in Cervical Spondylosis. Panchtikta Ghrita Marsha Nasya was given good results clinically in the patients compare to Panchtikta Ghrita Matra Vasti, but significant conclusion was not calculated with small sample data. So, large population research study is recommended for further research.

Author Biographies

Punam Sawarkar

Associate Professor, Department of Panchakarma, Datta Meghe Collage of Pharmacy, DMIMS (DU), Wardha. India

Manish Deshmukh

Associate Professor, Datta Meghe Collage of Pharmacy, DMIMS (DU), Wardha. India

Gaurav Sawarkar, Associate Professor

Associate Professor, Department of Rachana Sharir, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College, Hospital and Research Centre, DMIMS (DU), Salod (H), Wardha

Nandini Bhojraj

Consultant, Kamdhenu, Panchgavya Govidnyana Anusandhana Kendra, Deolapar, Nagpur, Maharashtra




How to Cite

Sawarkar, P., Deshmukh, M., Sawarkar, G., & Bhojraj, N. (2020). A Comparative Efficacy Study of the Panchtikta Ghrita Matra Vasti and Panchtikta Ghrita Marsha Nasya in Cervical Spondylosis. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 11(2), 218–227. https://doi.org/10.47552/ijam.v11i2.1432



Research Articles