Effect of Ayurvedic Treatment Protocol on Diminishing Ovarian Reserve





Dhatukshaya vandhya, AMH, AFC, LH, FSH, Estradiol, Yogavasthi, Snehapana


Diminishing ovarian reserve (DOR) is a condition in which the ovary loses reproductive potential, compromising fertility. Nowadays 10-30% of female infertility is due to DOR and considered as “expected poor responder” for In vitro fertilisation (IVF).   Correlation of DOR can be done with Dathukshaya vandya (depletion or inadequate formation of dhatus) explained in Harithasamhita. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of Ayurvedic treatment protocol on Diminishing ovarian reserve. The study protocol includes- ashtachurna for deepana (appetiser), pachana (digestives) and kolakulathadi churna for udwarthana (powder massage). Sukumaragrutha used for snehapana (oral administration of medicated ghee), utharabasthi (intrauterine administration) and rasayana (rejuvenation therapy ). Danwantarathaila abhyanga (oleation) and ooshmasweda (sudation) done for 3 days. Sukumaraeranda was used for virechana (therapeutic purgation) and also Yogabasthi (medicated enema). The study design was pre and post interventional study with a sample size of 15 selected as per inclusion and exclusion criteria, conducted at hospital for women and children, Government Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram. Assessment was based on Bologna criteria for DOR. The statistical techniques employed are Wilcoxon’s signed rank test and Paired t test. Results showed statistically significant effect on improving Antral follicle count (AFC) (p- 0.01), Estradiol (p- 0.005), conception (p- 0.014), on regulating amount of bleeding (p- 0.003), menstrual interval correction (p-0.001) and dyspareunia (p-0.005). But insignificant effect on improving Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH) (p- 0.469) and regularising LH/FSH ratio (p-0.104) was found.

Author Biographies

Divya U, kerala

Assistant professor, Department of PTSR, PNNM Ayurveda Medical College, Shornur, Kerala

Vijayakumar N

Former HOD and Professor Department of PTSR, Government Ayurveda College, Trivandrum, Kerala




How to Cite

U, D., & N, V. (2020). Effect of Ayurvedic Treatment Protocol on Diminishing Ovarian Reserve. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 11(2), 228–234. https://doi.org/10.47552/ijam.v11i2.1435



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