Efficacy of Nitya Virechana with Trivrit Churna in the Management of Stage 1 Essential Hypertension – A Pilot Study





ssential Hypertension, Vata Pradhana Tridoshaja Vyadhi, Nitya Virechana, Trivrit Churna


Background: Hypertension (HTN) is a lifestyle disorder occurs due to faulty life style and stressful psychological conditions with a low rate of remission and recovery. In Ayurveda, Hypertension can be correlated with Vata Pradhana Tridoshaja Vyadhi. In Vatapradhana Vyadhi, Mridu Sanshodhana is the line of treatment and Nitya Virechana is a type of Mridu Sanshodhana. So in this study, Trivrit Churna was selected for Nitya Virechana in the management of Stage 1 Essential Hypertension. Aim: This clinical study was carried out to study the effect of Nitya Virechana with Trivrit Churna on Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure. Settings and Design: This was an open-labeled single arm interventional clinical study. Materials and Methods: Nine newly diagnosed cases of Stage 1 Essential Hypertension were registered from the outpatient and inpatient of Department of Panchakarma, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College Hospital & Research Centre, Wardha, Maharashtra, India, and Nitya Virechana with Trivrit Churna was administered for consecutive 15 days. Statistical Analysis: The data were statistically analyzed using Chi-square and paired t test. Results: Significant (p<0.05) result was found in all the assessment of subjective as well as objective parameters, namely Shiroruk (headache), Klama (fatigue), Bhrama (giddiness), Anidra (insomina), Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure. Conclusion: Nitya Virechana with Trivrit Churna is highly effective to reduce Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure with significant reduction in symptoms of Stage 1 Essential Hypertension.

Author Biographies

Manju Mohan, Pg scholar

PG Scholar, Department of Panchakarma, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College Hospital & Research Centre, Wardha, Maharashtra, India

Sawarkar Punam

Associate Professor, Department of Panchakarma, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College Hospital & Research Centre, Wardha, Maharashtra, India




How to Cite

Mohan, M., & Punam, S. (2020). Efficacy of Nitya Virechana with Trivrit Churna in the Management of Stage 1 Essential Hypertension – A Pilot Study. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 11(2), 249–254. https://doi.org/10.47552/ijam.v11i2.1453



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