Comparative Clinical Efficacy of Guduchyadi Syrup and Guduchyadi Ghanvati in Management of Amlapitta




Amlapitta, Guduchyadi yoga, Guduchyadi syrup, Guduchyadi ghanavati


Introduction: Amalpitta is most common problem nowadays. Guduchyadi yoga kwatha was indicated in classics in the management of Amlapitta. Kwatha is very effective but it is unpleasant to some patients. So the kwatha was converted into preferable dosage form as requirement of present era. Material and Method: A Clinical trial was carried out on 60 Patients of Amlapitta aged 20 to 60 years with complaints of Aruchi, Avipaka, Tiktodgar, Amlodgar, Urodaha, Kanthadaha etc., who were registered from OPD of Government Ayurved Hospital, Vadodara. They were equally divided into two groups  i.e. Group A- Guduchyadi Syrup given in 20ml BD dose and Group B- Guduchyadi Ghanavati given at 500mg2 BD ). Each group was treated for 28 days administered empty stomach. The clinical assessment was carried out on the 28th  day and  2 weeks after the 28 days of treatment (after follow up period) for the  objective & subjective parameters and it was seen that both the dosage form Guduchyadi Syrup and Guduchyadi Ghanavati were very effective and cured or markedly relieved the symptoms of Amlapitta. Results: The study shows the effect of Guduchyadi Syrup and Guduchyadi Ghanavati, which led to cure in 16 patients (53.33%) and 22(73.33%) patients respectively, and markedly improvement in 12(40%) and 8(26.67%) patients affected with Amlapitta disease respectively. Conclusion: Both trial dosage forms of Guduchyadi Yoga, (Group A- Syrup & Group B- Ghanavati )  relieved the symptoms of Amlapitta and both the formulation have comparatively similar efficacy in the management of Amlapitta.

Author Biographies

Urvee N Solanki, Dr.

P.G Scholar, Upgraded Department of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Govt. Ayurved College, Vadodara

Darshan K Parmar

Assistant professor, Upgraded Department of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Govt. Ayurved College, Vadodara




How to Cite

Solanki, U. N., & Parmar, D. K. (2020). Comparative Clinical Efficacy of Guduchyadi Syrup and Guduchyadi Ghanvati in Management of Amlapitta. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 11(2), 261–264.



Research Articles