Anticonvulsant Activity of Apasmarari rasa – An Experimental Study


  • Vikas Saroch
  • Hiremath R S
  • Patil P A



Apasmarari rasa, LD 50, Anti convulsant activity, MES Method


Apasmarari rasa, a unique Ayurvedic preparation having hingulottha shuddha parad (HSP), Shuddha Gandhaka (SG) and Shuddha Tuttha (ST) and Bhavana dravya (Trituration) as Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi) as ingredients. The pharmaceutical processing involved preparation of chakrikas (pellets) by triturating the ingredients and sealing them in Sharava (shallow earthen disc) samputa (uniform smeared and dried) and subjecting the apparatus to Agni. After self-cooling (swangasheeta), the mixture was triturated with kadali kanda swarasa for one day and the final product was subjected to analysis. Apasmarari rasa was subjected to assess the LD 50 and Anti convulsant activity on Male Albino rats was by means of MES (Maximal Electro convulsing Shock) Method. A supra maximal strength was 150mA in rats for 0.2 seconds and stimulus was applied via ear clip electrodes. The animal dose of Phenytoin (7.2mg/kg), Smriti sagar rasa (18mg/kg) and Apasmarari rasa (5.4mg/ kg) was given orally to different groups. The animals were observed for a period of 180 minutes after being subjected to electro convulsions. Experimental study had shown some significant result when compared to other drugs. No doubt, that both standard drugs also shown good results when it comes to HLE (hind limb extension), but other factors such as time duration of flexion, tonus, clonus, recovery time amongst others in test drug group (Apasmarari rasa) showed significantly better results. Some other observation such as nasal bleeding and orbital bleeding was also absent in test drug group (Apasmarari rasa).

Author Biographies

Vikas Saroch

PG Scholar Department of Rasashastra, KLEU's Shri BMK AM Belgaum

Hiremath R S

Asst. Professor, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishjaya Kalpana KLEU’s Shri BMK AM and Research Centre Belgaum, Karnataka

Patil P A

Professor, Department of Pharmacology. KLEU’S Dental College Bangalore




How to Cite

Saroch, V., S, H. R., & A, P. P. (2012). Anticonvulsant Activity of Apasmarari rasa – An Experimental Study. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 3(1).



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