Study in the Effect of Yavavati in the Management of Dyslipidemia


  • Tejas Laxman Kakade
  • Sadhana Misar Wajpeyi



Dhamnipratichaya, Dyslipidemia, Medorog, Yava


Dyslipidemia is considered as metabolic disorders related to lipoprotein metabolism, manifested as rise in plasma levels of total Cholesterol, Triglyceride (TGs), or both, or a decrease in high density lipoprotein level or all three together that contributes to the formation of atherosclerosis. It can be included under santarpanjanyavyadhi. Various conditions like Shonitabhishyandana, Rasagata SnehaVriddhi (raised plasma lipid levels), Rasaraktagata Snehavriddhi (raised plasma and blood lipid levels), Medovriddhi (elevation of generalized fat), Medoroga (obesity), Aam Medodhatu (abnormal form of adipose tissue) can be correlated with Dyslipidemia due to resemblance of their etiopathogenesis and clinical features. Total 30 patients of dyslipidemia fulfilling the diagnostic criteria were selected and treated with Yavavati 1.5 gm twice a day before meal with lukewarm water for 30 days. In this study it was observed that incidence of  Dyslipidemia was more in advanced ages,female gender, middle socioeconomic group individuals having vatapittajaprakruti, madhyamagni and madhyamaakruti. In present study, sedentary lifestyle, day sleep, association of other diseases like hypertension, DM, hypothyroidism and hemiplegia are the main causative factors for Dyslipidemia. Yavavati showed significant improvement in BMI, total cholesterol, S.Triglicerides, S.VLDL and HDL level. This improvement may be due to its ruksha, lekhana, kaphamedahar, agnivadhaka and apatarpana properties of Yavavati. Hence from this study it can be concluded that, Yavavati is effective and can be safely used in the management of Dyslipidemia.

Author Biographies

Tejas Laxman Kakade

Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, MGAC & RC, Salod, Wardha, Maharashtra, India

Sadhana Misar Wajpeyi

Professor, Department of Swasthavrutta, MGAC & RC, Salod, Wardha, Maharashtra, India




How to Cite

Kakade, T. L., & Wajpeyi, S. M. (2020). Study in the Effect of Yavavati in the Management of Dyslipidemia. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 11(2), 265–270.



Research Articles