A Systematic Review: Standard Measurement method of Anguli pramana





Anguli pramana, Systemic review, Standard method, Measurement, Breadth of middle finger


Introduction:  Anguli pramana is an ancient form of anthropometric measurements where individual’s own finger width is used as a unit of measurement. Different researchers had attempted to standardize the Anguli pramana.  This systematic review aims to review all the available published literature and to provide the narrative summary on Anguli pramana. Methods: References were sought in Google scholar, AYUSH Research portal, DHARA online, Pub med, Shodhganga, eShodhSindhu datasets and other sources like Grey literature by utilizing all the keywords and MeSH terminologies. Following PRISMA guidelines, 32 full-text eligible papers were assessed and 9 articles extracted for study design, population parameters, methodology, evaluation system, outcome and other relevant findings. Result: 5 out of 9 studies have reconfirmed that breadth of middle finger (BM) of right hand proved as more accurate method of measurement in Anguli pramana while in 3 studies average of right and left middle finger at proximal interphalangeal joint is used as a method of measurement. Only 1 study shows use of average of breadth of four fingers at metacarpophalangeal joints of right and left hand as a method of measurement. Discussion: Present systematic review concludes that breadth of middle finger of the right hand at proximal interphalangeal joint (BM) is the standard method of measurement for Anguli pramana.

Author Biographies

VIsave Pratibha

Associate Professor, Siddhakala Ayurved College, Sangamner, Maharashtra

Deepnarayan Shukla

H.O.D. & Professor, Department of Rachana Sharir, R. A. Podar Ayurved Medical College, Mumbai

Deepali Choudhari

H.O.D. & Associate  Professor S.S.T. Ayurved College, Sangamner, Maharashtra




How to Cite

Pratibha, V., Shukla, D., & Choudhari, D. (2020). A Systematic Review: Standard Measurement method of Anguli pramana. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 11(2), 165–169. https://doi.org/10.47552/ijam.v11i2.1489



Review Articles