Role of Ashwagandha Taila Matrabasti in the Management of Katigraha




Katigraha, Madhur Dravya (Ashwagandhsa Taila), Matrabasti


Background: Katigraha (lumbago)is the condition which is characterised by Stiffness and Pain. Due to Vitiation of Vata in the Katipradesh. About 80% of the industrial population and 60% of the general population experience low back pain at some point of their life time due to wrong postural habits and psychological factors. Basti chikitsa is mainly useful in disorders related to Vata Doshas. Matrabasti is a type of Sneha Basti which can be given in all seasons without any strict regimen of Diet. It has Brumhana and Vatashamaka in nature. And Madhur Dravya (Ashwagandha Taila) is one such combination to pacify the Vata in Katigraha. Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of Madhur Dravya (Ashwagandha Taila) Matrabasti in Katigraha for relieving Pain and Stiffness. Settings and design: This was an open-labelled single arm interventional clinical study. Methods: Fifteen diagnosed case of katigraha were registered from the outpatient and inpatient department of Panchakarma and Madhur Dravya (Ashwagandha Taila) Matrabasti administered for 9 days. Statistical Analysis- The data were statistically analysed by using paired t test. Results: Highly significant (P< 0.0001) result was found in all the assessment parameter like Pain, Stiffness Schober’s Test and functional rating Index quaternary. Conclusion: Madhur Dravya (Ashwagandha Taila) Matrabasti is one of the best to relieve Pain and Stiffness in Katigraha.

Author Biographies

Snehal Vasant Bhende

PG Scholar, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College Hospital & Research Centre, Wardha, Maharashtra, India

Shweta Parwe

Professor and HOD, Department of Panchakarma, 

Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College Hospital & Research Centre, Wardha, Maharashtra, India




How to Cite

Bhende, S. V., & Parwe, S. (2020). Role of Ashwagandha Taila Matrabasti in the Management of Katigraha. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 11(2), 310–313.



Research Articles