Single drug therapy in the management of Skin diseases



Skin diseases, Ekamolika prayoga, Folklore claims


Ayurveda is perceived as one of the most ancient and well documented system of medicine equally relevant in modern times. In Ayurveda, skin diseases are mainly categorized under Kustha and Kshudra roga. sheetapitta. Visarpa, visphota like diseases also considered as skin disorders. Some skin conditions can be minor, easily treated, while others can be difficult to cure. Medical management of this condition is done by using drugs having properties of rakta shodana, rakta shamana, vishagna, krimighna, kandughna. Drugs mainly which contains Pharmacological activity of antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial are useful in the treatment of skin infections. Ayurveda mentions a good number of herbal medicines for skin care, diseases. Use of herbal drugs as a source of medicine has been an ancient practice and is an important component of the health care system in india. In vedic literature we find few prayogas with single drugs. In Samhita period, Nighantu period a compendium of single drug usage is available. Traditional practice of medicine and folklore practice mainly focuses on single drug usage. Non availability, high cost and ambiguity in the identity of ingredients used are a few major problems in the utilization of compound drugs in ayurveda and there is thus an utmost need to know about single drug therapy. Some of such single drugs Kakamachi(Solanum nigrum), Vridhadaru(argyria nervosa), Ankola(Alangium salvifolium), Kasamarda(Cassia occidentalis), Punarnava(Boerhavia diffusa), Ageratum conyzoides, Xanthium strumarium are using in various skin diseases

Author Biographies

Nikhila K

PG Scholar, Department of Dravyaguna, Dr. BRKR Government Ayurvedic college, Hyderabad

Vijayalakshmi A

Professor, Department of Dravyaguna, Dr. BRKR Government Ayurvedic college, Hyderabad




How to Cite

K, N., & A, V. (2020). Single drug therapy in the management of Skin diseases. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 11(4(S), 15–18. Retrieved from