Study of the Efficacy of Ksharaplota in Dushtavrana w.s.r to Infected Wound




Dushtavrana, Ksharaplota, Vranakovida, Infected Wound, Alkaline Medicated Gauze


Vrana ( wound and ulcer) & process of healing is the soul of Shalyatantra Chikitsa (Surgical treatment ). Dushta Vrana means getting vitiated by Dosha & hence Dushta Vrana or infected wound is characterized by bad smell, abnormal color with profuse discharge, severe pain and longer healing time. The severity of infected wounds and their vast range of etiologies, The treatment is cleaning & dressing the wound or it can be more extensive. It may require surgical intervention to close the wound and stabilize the patient. Acharya Sushruta defines Kshara as the substance possessing Ksharana and Kshanan properties. Ksharaplota formulation was selected and applied over the affected infected wound with the help of gauze piece. During the preparation of Ksharaplota, it is coated with Snuhi kshira, Apamarga kshara & Haridra. All these drugs are Shodhana & Ropana. It was observed that Ksharaplota has the properties as sustained release of drug, absorbs discharges, less painful & easily acceptable by the patient with excellent Sodhana & Ropana Karma. The clinical study has been done on 438 patients, selected randomly and divided in two groups. Group A 220 patients i.e. trial group, were treated with local application of Ksharaplota. The Group B 218 patients i.e. control group, were treated with Gold standard. The clinical assessment was done on the basis of clinical presentation of Dushta Vrana, (Infected wound) before and after the treatment. As grading used for assessment of parameters which were ordinal in nature, “Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test” was used for within the group assessment (i.e. before and after treatment of a group). For between the group assessment of parameters, Mann Whitney – U test was applied. We had tested hypothesis for each parameter and result was interpreted accordingly. The level of significance was kept at 5% (P=0.05). And the result of the present study found significant.

Author Biographies

Anantkumar V Shekokar

Ph.D Scholar, Department of Shalyatantra, Government Ayurved College, Nanded, Maharashtra. India

Vijay P Ukhalkar

Ph.D guide and Professor, Department of Shalyatantra, Government Ayurved College, Nanded, Maharashtra, India




How to Cite

Shekokar, A. V., & Ukhalkar, V. P. (2020). Study of the Efficacy of Ksharaplota in Dushtavrana w.s.r to Infected Wound. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 11(2), 314–321.



Research Articles