Management of Ekakushta, with special reference to Psoriasis, through Panchakarma: A Case Study




Panchkarma, Vaman, Ekakushtha, Shodhana, Psoriasis, Bio-Purification, Emesis Therapy


In Ayurveda all the skin diseases have been discussed under the ‘Vyadhi Kushtha’ Ekakushtha is one among Kshudra Kushtha. Kshudra are the Vyadhis which do not cause any major systemic involvement but their appearance disturbs mental condition of the patient as the disease doesn’t leave patient easily. They are not easy to treat as recurrence rate is very high. The clinical feature of Ekakushtha described represents remission, relapse and seasonal variation which are also present in Psoriasis. Modern medical science treats Psoriasis with PUVA, corticosteroids etc. But these therapies give serious side effects like hepatic and nephrotoxicity, bone marrow depression etc. Hence, it is the need of time to find out safe and effective treatment for Psoriasis and here Ayurveda plays an important role. Treatment modality of Ayurveda provides long lasting results and a better life to patients through its three basic principles i.e. Shodhana, Shamana and Nidan Parivarjana. Here we are reporting a 50-year-old female patient having symptoms of Ekakushtha since last 4 years. She was suffering from large round erythematous scaly patches over her B/L knee and elbow joint and also severe itching and dryness over affected lesions. There was no such significant past history of any other chronic illness. The patient was treated with Panchkarma i.e Vamana karma followed by Oral medications. Patient reported symptomatic improvement after the course of Vamana Karma. 

Author Biographies

Kritika Thakur

PG scholar Department of Panchakarma, Parul University, Parul Institute of Ayurveda, Vadodara, Gujarat, India. 

Mahesh M P

Assistant Professor, Department of Panchakarma, Parul University, Parul Institute of Ayurveda, Vadodara, Gujarat, India

Devyani Sanghani

PG scholar Department of Panchakarma, Parul University, Parul Institute of Ayurveda, Vadodara, Gujarat, India.




How to Cite

Thakur, K., Toshikhane, S. H., P, M. M., & Sanghani, D. (2020). Management of Ekakushta, with special reference to Psoriasis, through Panchakarma: A Case Study. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 11(4), 788–794.