A Comparative HPLC Quantification of Vatsanabha (Aconitum ferox Wall ex Seringe.) Root Processed in Cow's Urine and Cow's Milk


  • Gajanan Diliprao Chatuphale
  • Sonali Chalakh
  • Meghsham Anjankar




Vatsanabha Mula, Alkaloids, Shodhan, HPLC, Aconitine, Visha


Vatsanabh mula   (Aconitum  ferox  Wall  ex  Seringe root);  is  toxic  due to its chief active principle an alkaloid named as  Aconitine.  According to Ayurveda and modern science; it is included in one of the most poisonous plants known till today to mankind. Despite it is used widely in Ayurvedic treatment in various diseases.  So its use in medicinal preparation should be done only after proper processing termed as Shodhan (purification) procedures. These processings are done in specific media. Shodhan procedures enhance therapeutic properties of Vatsanabha, reduce its toxicity & convert it into medicine. In Ayurvedic literature, media like Gomutra (Cow’s urine), Godugdha (Cow’s milk) and Ajadugdha (Goat’s milk) has been mentioned for Shodhan procedures of Vatsanabha. This study focuses on effect of two Shodhan procedures of Vatsanabha Mula by using Gomutra (cow’s urine) and Godugdha (cow’s milk) on HPLC quantification of Aconitine while the raw roots were taken as control. Changes in HPLC chromatogram confirm the effect of Shodhan procedure on Vatsanabha. In HPLC analysis, peaks were observed at retention time 30.1. Areas under the curve were less in the samples after purification with cow’s urine compared to purification with cow’s milk, indicating denaturation of some component after purification. Hence, Vatsanabha mula purified by Gomutra (cow’s urine) may be regarded as better method of purification as far as toxic alkaloids are concerned. 

Author Biographies

Gajanan Diliprao Chatuphale

PhD Scholar, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College, Hospital & Research Centre, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Science, Salod (H),Wardha. India.

Sonali Chalakh

HOD, Dept of Agadtantra, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College, Hospital & Research Centre, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Science, Salod (H), Wardha.

Meghsham Anjankar

PhD Scholar, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College, Hospital & Research Centre, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Science, Salod (H), Wardha. India.




How to Cite

Chatuphale, G. D., Chalakh, S., & Anjankar, M. (2021). A Comparative HPLC Quantification of Vatsanabha (Aconitum ferox Wall ex Seringe.) Root Processed in Cow’s Urine and Cow’s Milk. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 12(1), 124–128. https://doi.org/10.47552/ijam.v12i1.1740



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