Management of Janu Sandhigata Vata with Navaprasrutika Basti - A Case Study
SandhigataVata, Abhyanga, Anuvasan Basti, Navaprasrutika BastiAbstract
SandhigataVata may be a disease of the elderly persons. Life style, obesity, trauma and diet deficient in calcium are a number of the risk/causative factors. Rooksha Aahar and Ativyaama cause vitiation of Vata. It mainly affects weight-bearing joints of the body specially knee, hip, lumbar spine. Being commonest variety of articular disorders, SandhigataVata poses a large hindrance in day-to-day activities of the sufferer like walking, dressing and bathing etc. The common presentation of the disease is Shula, Sotha, Vata Poornadriti Sparsha and difficulty in flexion and extension of the Sandhi. Available treatment options include use of NSAID’s, calcium supplementation and ultimately joint replacement. Here during this case study, a 36-year-old patient with Janu SandhigataVata came to Parul Ayurved Hospital with complaints of Right knee joint pain, crackling sound in joints since 2 months. Due to long standing and straining, the patient had these symptoms. This Indoor patient was treated with Abhyanga at Nabhi, Parshva, Prushtha & Ubhaya pada Pradesh and Anuvasana with Murcchit Tila Taila and Navaprasrutik Basti for 10 days. The patient responded well to these Ayurvedic treatments and got relief from major symptoms.
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