Pharmacognostic and Preliminary Phytochemical Evaluation of Leaf of Syzygium Cumini (L.) Skeels


  • Shyam Baboo Prasad Regional Ayurveda Institute for Fundamental Research, Pune.
  • Arun M Gurav Array
  • Goli P Prasad Array
  • Anupam K Mangal Array
  • Srikanth N Array



Fluorescence, Jamun leaf, Microscopy, Syzygium cumini, Standardisation


Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels (Family: Myricaceae) commonly known as Jamun is a widely used medicinal plant in Ayurveda. In spite of its numerous medicinal attributes, no published work is available on pharmacognostic characterization, physicochemical analysis of its leaves. The measures taken for pharmacognostic characterization were macroscopy, microscopy, powder microscopy, physicochemical evaluation, fluorescence analysis, and preliminary phytochemical screening. The microscopic evaluation showed useful characters for the recognition of leaf of Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels . Transverse section, showed presence of single layer of wavy epidermal cells with striated cuticle single layer Palisade beneath upper epidermis in lamina region (contains compact elongated cells), Spheraphide in lamina region, collenchyma below the upper epidermis and above the lower epidermis in midrib region, Xylem and phloem in center, Sclerenchyma in between vascular bundle and collenchyma in midrib region. Wavy epidermal cell in the upper epidermis, anisocytic stomata in the lower epidermis, Bordered pitted reticulate vessels, Calcium oxalate crystal sheath in the lamina, fragment of fibers and Spiral vessels were observed in powder microscopy. Physicochemical studies showed total ash (3.1%), acid insoluble ash (0.7%), alcohol soluble extractive values (10.96 %), and water-soluble extractive values (12.32 %). Phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of sugar, lipid, Glycoside, saponins, phenols, flavonoids, tannins, tri-terpenoids and steroids. The study forms the first report on pharmacognostic characters and a physicochemical parameter which could be useful for identification and authentication of the plant.

Author Biographies

Arun M Gurav

Assistnat Director Incharge, Regional Ayurveda Research Institute, Kothrud, Pune. 

Goli P Prasad

Assistnat Director Incharge, National Centre of Indian Medical Heritage, Hyderabad (India). 

Anupam K Mangal

Assistant Director Pharmacognosy,Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, New Delhi (India). 

Srikanth N

Director General I/c, Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, New Delhi (India).




How to Cite

Prasad, S. B., Gurav, A. M., Prasad, G. P., Mangal, A. K., & N, S. (2021). Pharmacognostic and Preliminary Phytochemical Evaluation of Leaf of Syzygium Cumini (L.) Skeels. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 12(3), 684–688.



Research Articles