Ayurvedic Management of Pakshaghata (Left Hemiplegia) – A Case study





Hemiplegia, Stroke, Vama Pakshaghata, Panchakarma, Snehana, Swedana, Virechana, Shirodhara, Shiropichu, Samshamana Aushadi, Physiotherapy


Hemiplegia is the commonest manifestation of a Stroke with neurological deficit affecting the face, limbs and trunk on one side or either side of the body. Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and disability in India. The aggravated Vata paralyze one side of the body either right or left , leads to immobility is called as Pakshaghata. The present case study deals with a 63years old male patient with chief complaints weakness in left half of the body and was unable to walk. He was a diagnosed case of Haemorrhagic Stroke presenting with Left Sided Hemiplegia with Acute Intraparenchymal Haemorrhage in C.T. brain. The Ayurvedic diagnosis of  Pakshaghata was made and managed with treatment principle which is mentioned by Acharya Charaka. Snehana, Swedana and Mridu Virechana along with  Panchakarma procedures Shirodhara, Shiropichu and Basti for 21 days. Samshamana Aushadhis(Oral medicines) and Physiotherapy were adopted at various stages of the diseases. Maximum improvement was noticed in upper and lower extremity functions at the end of the treatment. Patient showed remarkable recovery in Speech ability and Mobility. Panchakarma is a minimal invasive Bio-Cleansing procedure which can be adopted in life style, metabolic, autoimmune diseases and also periodic healthy individual as preventive measures.

Author Biographies

Vishnu Mohan

PG Scholar, Department of Roga Nidana Evum Vikriti Vigyan, Parul Institute of Ayurved , Parul University, Vadodara, Gujarat.

Divya B

Assistant Professor, Department of  Panchakarma, Parul Institute of Ayurved and Research, Parul University, Vadodara, Gujarat. 

Sachin Deva

Reader, PG & Ph.D Department of Roga Nidana Evum Vikriti Vigyan, Parul Institute of Ayurved , Parul University, Vadodara, Gujarat.




How to Cite

Mohan, V., B, D., & Deva, S. (2021). Ayurvedic Management of Pakshaghata (Left Hemiplegia) – A Case study. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 12(3), 733–741. https://doi.org/10.47552/ijam.v12i3.1954