The Bronchodilating herbs used in the treatment of COVID-19: A Review




Bronchodilator, Spices herb, Respiratory distress, Increased oxygen diffusion, Siddha medicine, Supportive therapy


Nowadays, covid_19(SARS_CoV_2)  intimidating the world. This disease is spreading by contact with affected droplets. Some of the affected persons are asymptomatic, majority of people suffer from mild illness, meanwhile few were affected , some severe acute respiratory distress (pneumonia) and multi organs dysfunction like Pulmonary oedema, Cardiac failure, Renal failure. Currently doctors and peoples use some spices herb (basil, clove, black pepper, turmeric, garlic, ginger, ajwain , cumin) to prevent and reduce the corona virus infection. Most of these are Bronchodilator herbs. These drugs dilate the respiratory airway and allow more volume of atmospheric air to enter the lungs. Therefore a large amount of oxygen goes into the lungs and dissolves in the respiratory membrane. Furthur  more, it’s transported through the blood and carried to main organs of the body. So this review article reveals Bronchodilator herbs can reduce the risk factors and prevent the respiratory distress symptoms in covid_19 (SARS_CoV_2)  patients.

Author Biographies

Vadivelan S, Sri Sairam Siddha Medical College and Research Centre

Lecturer, Department of Maruthuvam, Sri Sairam Siddha Medical College and Research Centre, Chennai.

Sarojini T

Lecturer,  Department of  Udalthathuvam, Sri Sairam Siddha Medical College and Research Centre, Chennai

Kirubhakaran S M

Reader,  Department of Sattam Sarntha Maruthuvamum Nanju Maruthuvamum, Sri Sairam Siddha Medical College and Research Centre, Chennai. 

Mathukumar S

Principal, Sri Sairam Siddha Medical College and Research Centre, Chennai.




How to Cite

S, V., T, S., M, K. S., & S, M. (2021). The Bronchodilating herbs used in the treatment of COVID-19: A Review. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 12(3), 477–481.



Review Articles