Role of Patrapinda Sweda and Matrabasti in management of Katishoola (Low back pain)- A case study




Low back pain, Katishoola, Patrapinda sweda, Matrabasti, Panchakarma


Low back pain (LBP) is the most common chronic musculoskeletal disorder. It has symptoms like pain, swelling, stiffness or limited range of motion and these symptoms lie very close to the entity Katigraha&Katishoola in Ayurveda which is coming under Vatavyadhi(diseases of Nervous system and musculoskeletal system). The Contemporary management has little effect on the disease.   It is an important clinical, social, economic and public health problem affecting the population indiscriminately.  It is a disorder with many possible aetiologies, occurring in many groups of the population, and with many definitions. The prevalence of LBP in Indian population has been found to vary between 6.2% (in general population) to 92% (in construction workers). This problem supposedly has a favourable natural history, although it can markedly disable, and has challenged the health care providers. Understanding the role of different medical systems in the management of backache,it is important for the cost-effective management of the disease. Ayurveda treatment modality, exercise, regimen may result in low backache recovery. Here in this article, the diagnostic and treatment aspects are discussed and applied critically using Ayurvedic therapy. 

Author Biographies

Rajkumar Mishra

Ph.D Scholar, Mandsaur Institute of Ayurvedic Education and Research, BRNCOP campus, Mandsaur University, Mandsaur.

Sanjukta Sengupta

Professor, Department of Rognidan, S.S.N Ayurveda College and Research Institute, Paikmal, Bargarh, Odisha.

Jayshankar Mund

Principal and Professor of Samhita Siddhanta, Mandsaur Institute of Ayurvedic Education and Research, BRNCOP campus, Mandsaur University, Mandsaur. 




How to Cite

Mishra, R., Sengupta, S., & Mund, J. (2021). Role of Patrapinda Sweda and Matrabasti in management of Katishoola (Low back pain)- A case study. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 12(3), 700–704.