Clinical Efficacy of Pathyadi Kwath Arka & Katphala Churna Nasya in the Management of Ardhavabhedaka with special reference to Migraine - A pilot Study


  • Shital Bolkuntwar



Ardhavabhedaka, Headache, Migraine, Pathyadi Kwath Arka, Katphala churna, Pradhamana nasya


Ardhavabhedaka  can be correlated with migraine having similar symptom as half-sided headache. It is mentioned as tridoshapradhana by Sushruta and vatakaphapradhana by Vagbhata. Pathyadi Kwath is a proven formulation for urdhwajatrugata disorders including Ardhavabheaka. In addition, importance of Nasya karma in shirogata vyadhi cann’t be ignored so here pradhamana nasya with kataphala churna mentioned in Yogaratnakara is selected to evaluate its efficacy. Aim & Objective: The present study aimed to evaluate the clinical efficacy of Pathyadi Kwath Arka & Katphala Churna Nasya in the management of Ardhavabhedaka with special reference to Migraine. Material and method: The fruit of haritaki, bibhitaki, Amalaki, stem bark of nimba, whole plant of bhunimba, rhizome of haridra and stem of guduchi were used for the preparation of Pathyadi Kwath and its extract (arka) was prepared using the same ingredients by the process of distillation. Course powder of Kataphala was prepared in grinder, then filtered from mesh size 500 micron (BS 30, ASTM 35) and smooth powder of Kataphala obtained. Botanists carried out authentication of drugs. The study conducted on 10 samples for the duration of 12 weeks. Pathyadi kwath given in the dose of 10 drops/ 10 ml of water and kataphala churna pradhaana nasya; morning and evening daily. Result: Statistically significant p value was noted i.e.(P<0.05), the null hypothesis is accepted, hence it is clear that all the parameters show a significant difference in the observations (before treatment and after treatment). Conclusion: Pathyadi Kwath Arka & Katphala Churna Nasya is effective in the management of Ardhavabhedak.

Author Biography

Shital Bolkuntwar

Assistant Professor and PhD Scholar, Department of Shalakyatantra, D Y Patil School of Ayurveda, Nerul, Navi Mumbai-410210. India. 




How to Cite

Bolkuntwar, S. (2021). Clinical Efficacy of Pathyadi Kwath Arka & Katphala Churna Nasya in the Management of Ardhavabhedaka with special reference to Migraine - A pilot Study. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 12(4), 927–933.



Research Articles