In vivo study of Rasa Bhasma on CCL4 induced Hepato-toxicity in Albino rats


  • Abhiram S P
  • Oorvi Kulkarni
  • Chinky Goyal
  • Amrit Malik



Rasa Bhasma, Hepato toxicity, Hepato-protectors


India stands 27th in rank with 25.8% of death rate due to Liver diseases in 2016. In spite of scientific advancement in the field of Hepatology, Bio-medical science is clueless in finding out an effective drug against Hepatic Disorders. Detailed description on liver disorders and their management are given by all the three prominent Acharyas of Ayurveda. Rasa Bhasma is one such preparation that can be used to treat Hepatic Disorders. In present work an attempt has been made to evaluate the efficacy of Rasa Bhasma in the management of liver disorders. 24 animals were allocated into 4 groups having six animals in each group namely Group I (Normal/Control), Group II (Intoxicated Control) Toxicated Group, Group III (lower dose of Rasa Bhasma) and Group IV (Higher dose of Rasa Bhasma). All the four group were assessed for various biochemical Parameters viz. Alkaline phosphatase, SGOT (Serum glutamate oxalacetate transaminase)/AST, SGPT (Serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase)/ALT, Total Bilirubin, Direct Bilirubin and Total Proteins. Finally, the animals from all the four groups were sacrificed for Histo-pathological studies. The results were expressed as mean ± SE and One way ANOVA by using statistical software SPSS version 16.0. Results revealed that the values of Group 4 are closer to the Normal Group1 than Group 3 meaning Rasa Bhasma in Higher dose is more effective than that in lower dose. Therefore, it can be concluded that Rasa Bhasma is a potent Herbo-mineral formulation for protection of hepatic cells.

Author Biographies

Abhiram S P

Assistant Professor, Department of Agad Tantra, Shri Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Chandigarh. India.

Oorvi Kulkarni

Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Shri Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Chandigarh. India.

Chinky Goyal

Associate Professor and HOD, Department of Rasa Shastra & Bhaishjya Kalpana, Shri Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Chandigarh. India.

Amrit Malik

Associate Professor, Department of Agad Tantra, Shri Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Chandigarh. India.




How to Cite

S P, A., Kulkarni, O., Goyal, C., & Malik, A. (2021). In vivo study of Rasa Bhasma on CCL4 induced Hepato-toxicity in Albino rats. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 12(4), 918–921.



Research Articles