A Preliminary HPTLC fingerprint study of Madhuka Indica –An Immune Enhancer


  • jibi varghese thankachan
  • Vaishali Deshpande
  • Hemanth Toshikhane
  • Niranajan Y




Madhuka puspha, Immune enhancer, shukrakruta, HPTLC


Abstract – Ayurveda is now accepted as a global medical science. The world is shifting to herbal remedies which is considered to be safe and effective. But the quality maintenance of these herbal medicines is a difficult task which hinders the globalization of Ayurvedic drugs

and thus it’s a need to use suitable techniques to maintain relevant standards. Standardization is very much important for the reproducibility of the efficacy and safety of any drug which is brought to the counter as medicine for sale. Madhuka (1)has been mentioned in classical texts as brimhana, shukrakruta , veerya pushtivardhana, dahahara, shramahara, vatapittavinasham, bhutadi jantudoshagna ,kshatkshayharam etc. This article aims to explore the qualities of Madhuka pushpa, its phytochemical parameters with HPTLC and the preliminary standardization of preparing madhuka pushpa vati for its use as an immune enhancer


Author Biographies

Vaishali Deshpande

Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa , PIA, Parul University, Vadodara Gujrat. India. 

Hemanth Toshikhane

Professor & Dean, PIA, Parul University, Vadodara Gujrat. India. 

Niranajan Y

Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Indian Institute of Ayurved Research and Hospital, Rajkot. India. 




How to Cite

thankachan, jibi varghese, Deshpande, V., Toshikhane, H., & Y, N. (2021). A Preliminary HPTLC fingerprint study of Madhuka Indica –An Immune Enhancer. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 12(4), 858–861. https://doi.org/10.47552/ijam.v12i4.2213



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