Go Ark; an ameliorative bio-product (in vitro) on Phenyl induced cytotoxicity


  • Daya Shankar Gautam
  • Saraswati Mishra
  • Prahlad Marskole
  • Nisha Tiwari
  • Anjali Kumari
  • Sakshi Dwivedi
  • Kahkashan Naz




Ameliorative effect, Cytotoxicity, Go Ark, MTT assay, Phenyl


Phenyl (PHY) is one of the chemicals which are used as a disinfectant in the world due to its toxic potential. Cleaning workers are directly exposed to it in institutes, hospitals and houses. Cow urine/Go Ark (GA) has been proved as a bioenhancer in many studies. The present study dealt with the in vitro analysis of PHY induced cytotoxicity (CT) on human peripheral blood lymphocytes and ameliorative potential of Distillate cow urine/Go Ark (DGA) and Fresh Go Ark (FGA) as GA is believed to be an elixir in Ayurved. MTT assay was used to study CT and Cell viability % on Human peripheral blood lymphocytes (HPBL) in vitro. CT of PHY was found to be higher than that of DGA and FGA treated groups. This showed that when PHY induced cells were treated with DGA and FGA, they showed increase in the cell viability %. It was also found that FGA had more potential for enhancing cell viability % of HPBL than that of DGA. We suggest that GA can be used as an ameliorative agent on PHY induced CT. It can be explored by in vivo experiments further for its detoxification properties. Now a day, PHY is used in combination with GA for cleaning purposes as “Gonyl”, it may be safe for cleaning workers to use GA based disinfectants to diminish the CT induced due to PHY exposure at the time of cleaning.

Author Biographies

Daya Shankar Gautam

Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, St Aloysius’ College (Autonomous), Jabalpur (M. P.), India.

Saraswati Mishra

MSc Student, Department of Zoology, St Aloysius’ College (Autonomous), Jabalpur (M. P.), India

Prahlad Marskole

MSc Student, Department of Zoology, St Aloysius’ College (Autonomous), Jabalpur (M. P.), India

Nisha Tiwari

MSc Student, Department of Zoology, St Aloysius’ College (Autonomous), Jabalpur (M. P.), India

Anjali Kumari

MSc Student, Department of Zoology, St Aloysius’ College (Autonomous), Jabalpur (M. P.), India.

Sakshi Dwivedi

MSc Student, Department of Zoology, St Aloysius’ College (Autonomous), Jabalpur (M. P.), India.

Kahkashan Naz

MSc Student, Department of Zoology, St Aloysius’ College (Autonomous), Jabalpur (M. P.), India.




How to Cite

Gautam, D. S., Mishra, S., Marskole, P., Tiwari, N., Kumari, A., Dwivedi, S., & Naz, K. (2021). Go Ark; an ameliorative bio-product (in vitro) on Phenyl induced cytotoxicity. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 12(4), 878–882. https://doi.org/10.47552/ijam.v12i4.2256



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