A Crossectional Study of Rajayakshma Symptoms in HIV Positive Patients


  • Saurabh Bajirao Kadam
  • Shital Rahul Rasane
  • Atul Viraj Wadagale




Ayurveda, AIDS, HIV, Rajayakshma


Background: According to Ayurveda, the HIV Symptoms may be correlated with Rajayakshama (Kshaya). The Symptoms, causative factors and treatment for the latter were found mentioned in many ancient Ayurvedic texts. Present study was aimed to assess the correlation of Rajayakshama symptoms described in Charak Samhita and symptoms seen in HIV positive patient. Material and Method: Present study was a Cross-sectional Survey Study, conducted in patientsof 25 - 50 years age group, irrespective of sex, religion, economic & marital status, diagnosed patients of HIV antibody test positive minimum 2 year ago.Results: Maximum number of HIV patient were from 31-40 years age group(67%). Majority of HIV patients were Female (81%).53 % patients’ were HIV Antibody Test Positive more than 2 year ago & 47% patients were more than 10 year ago.97 % patients were on ART Medication and only 3% patients were not given ART Medication.Ansatapa, Jwara and Parshwashulawere observed in all 100% patient. other symptoms Shirashula(99%); Aruchi(96%);Swarabheda(94%); Swasa(87%); Kasa(60%), Atisara(51 %); Raktasthivana(12%) and Raktavamana(4%). 69% cases were observed with 8-11 symptoms of Rajayakshma. 30% cases had 5-7 symptoms and only 1% cases had 1-4 symptoms of Rajayakshma.Conclusion: this disease is more related to mental status of the person. Following Dinacharya, Rutucharya, Sadvrittapalana, Aachararasayana etc. explained in Ayurveda will definitely help in treating AIDS and improving patient’s health.

Author Biographies

Saurabh Bajirao Kadam

Assistant Professor, Department of Ayurved Samhita Siddhanta, Dr D.Y. Patil College of Ayurved & Research Centre, Pimpri Pune- 411018, Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune, Maharashtra, INDIA.

Shital Rahul Rasane

Associate Professor, Department of Ayurved Samhita Siddhanta, Dr D.Y. Patil College of Ayurved & Research Centre, Pimpri Pune- 411018, Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune, Maharashtra, INDIA.

Atul Viraj Wadagale

Lecturer-cum-Statistician, Department of Community Medicine, Vilasrao Deshmukh Government Medical College, Latur, Maharashtra, INDIA.




How to Cite

Kadam, S. B., Rasane, S. R., & Wadagale, A. V. (2021). A Crossectional Study of Rajayakshma Symptoms in HIV Positive Patients. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 12(4), 796–799. https://doi.org/10.47552/ijam.v12i4.2285



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