Excess consumption of Lavana Rasa (Salty taste) – A cause of Amlapitta (Hyperacidity)


  • Joshi Mrudula Vinayak
  • Shendye Hemangi Vasudeo
  • Bhole Nilima
  • Joshi Vinayak




Amlapitta, Hyperacidity,, Atiyoga of Lavana Rasa, salts, common salt, causative factor


Amlapitta (Hyperacidity) is one of the ever growing diseases observed in society. Intake of salt in excess can lead into Amlapitta due to its Vidahi and Agneya property. Foods like cheese, chips, sauces, buttermilk, etc. contains variety of salts including common salt. The disease Amlapitta/ Amlika can be interpreted as Hyperacidity; is not separately described in Samhita, but  mentioned as Lakshana (symptom) of Atiyoga (excessive intake) of Lavana Rasa. Hence an observational study was designed. Aim: To examine whether Atiyoga of Lavana Rasa (common salt) can be a Hetu (causative factor) of Amlapitta. Methodology: Study included 100 identified patients of Amlapitta; both males and females from the age group of 20-60 years suffering from Amlodgar (sour blenching) as the predominant symptom. A structured, pilot tested 6 item questionnaire was used to collect data. Statistical Analysis: Descriptive data was analyzed using number and percentage. Results: Maximum patients were from 20-29 years age group; with Kapha-Pittaja Prakruti (77.78 %) and Pitta-Kaphaja Prakruti (68.75%) who used to consume Lavana rasa in variety of type and in excess quantity.   Family history of the disease Amlapitta showed maximum % in female patients as 31.03% whereas only 4.76% males suffered from the disease. Liking towards Lavana, Katu and Amla rasa in population was found to be 36%, 28%, 16% respectively. In causative factors of Amlapitta, Lavana Rasadhikya was noted in 62 patients whereas Vidahi Anna followed by spicy food and oily food was found in 60, 58, 56 number of patients respectively. Conclusion: From the study, it is observed that there is proneness of Amlapitta mostly in age group 20-29 years having liking towards salty, spicy and Katu Rasa. Maximum (58) female patients, with 31.03% who had family history of Amlapitta and 77.78% patients found to have Kapha-Pitta dominent Prakruti which indicate towards importance of  Prakriti and family history of  an individual in disease manifestation. 

Author Biographies

Joshi Mrudula Vinayak

Professor and HOD, Department of Ayurved Samhita Siddhanta, Dr D.Y.Patil college of Ayurved and Research centre, Pimpri, Pune. India. Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Pune, Maharashtra, India. 

Shendye Hemangi Vasudeo

Assistant Professor, Department of Ayurved Samhita Siddhanta, Dr D.Y.Patil college of Ayurved and Research centre, Pimpri, Dr D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Pune, Maharashtra, India.

Bhole Nilima

Ayurveda practitioner, Nerul, Navi Mumbai. India.

Joshi Vinayak

Professor and HOD, Department of Rognidan evam Vikrutvigyan, Dr. D.Y.Patil college of Ayurved and Research centre, Pimpri, Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Pune, Maharashtra, India.




How to Cite

Mrudula Vinayak, J., Hemangi Vasudeo, S., Nilima, B., & Vinayak, J. (2021). Excess consumption of Lavana Rasa (Salty taste) – A cause of Amlapitta (Hyperacidity). International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 12(4), 850–852. https://doi.org/10.47552/ijam.v12i4.2302



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