Antihistaminic effects of Azadirachta indica leaves in laboratory animals




Asthma, Antihistaminic, Azadirachta indica, Catalepsy bar, Haloperidol, Clonidine


Azadirachta indica (Meliaceae) leaves have been traditionally used in the management of asthma and the current study was undertaken to scientifically validate the benefits of plant as an antihistaminic agent using the suitable animal model. The agents with antihistaminic properties are known to be good antiasthmatic agents; hence, in the current research work, the antihistaminic activity of an ethanolic extract of Azadirachta indica leaves (at a dose of 250 mg/kg, i.p.) was evaluated using haloperidol-induced catalepsy and clonidine-induced catalepsy in laboratory rats. The results showed that the ethanolic extract inhibits the catalepsy induced by the clonidine but no remarkable effect was observed on the catalepsy induced by haloperidol. This strongly suggests that, the inhibition is mediated through an antihistaminic action and there is no role of dopamine. Hence, in the present study, it is concluded that, the ethanolic extract has significant antihistaminic activity. The polar constituents in the ethanolic extract of leaves of Azadirachta indica may be responsible for the antihistaminic effects and therefore, the ethanolic leaves extract can be a better remedy as an antihistaminic agent. 

Author Biographies

Padmaja Kore

Department of Pharmacology, Progressive Education Society’s Modern College of Pharmacy, Yamunanagar, Nigdi, Pune, Maharashtra, India-411044.

Akash Gaikwad

Department of Pharmacology, Progressive Education Society’s Modern College of Pharmacy, Yamunanagar, Nigdi, Pune, Maharashtra, India-411044.

Auradha G More

Department of Pharmacology, Progressive Education Society’s Modern College of Pharmacy, Yamunanagar, Nigdi, Pune, Maharashtra, India-411044.

Shivanjali Shinde

Department of Pharmacology, Progressive Education Society’s Modern College of Pharmacy, Yamunanagar, Nigdi, Pune, Maharashtra, India-411044.

Rutuja Sawkar

Department of Pharmacology, Progressive Education Society’s Modern College of Pharmacy, Yamunanagar, Nigdi, Pune, Maharashtra, India-411044.

Poonam Inamdar

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, School of Pharmacy, Vishwakarma University, Kondhwa, Pune. India.




How to Cite

Kore, P. ., Gaikwad, A., More, A. G., Shinde, S., Sawkar, R. ., & Inamdar, P. (2022). Antihistaminic effects of Azadirachta indica leaves in laboratory animals. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 13(2), 334–337.



Research Articles