Effect of Rajat bhasma and Sweta musali in the management of Ksheenasukra with special reference to oligospermia – A randomized comparative open clinical trial


  • Prakash Ashok Kumbhar
  • Huddar V G
  • Sukumar N N




Oligospermia, Kshina Sukra, Sweta Musali


Background: Male infertility can be defined as an inability to induce conception due to defect in spermatic functions. It is multifactorial condition. In more than 90% of cases, except some physical sperm defects low sperm count and poor sperm quality are responsible for the male infertility in more than 90% of cases. Sperm count less than 20 million/ml is considered as oligospermia. It is correlated to Kshinasukra condition. It is pathological condition of Sukra in which there may be reduced sperm count. In classics many Sukra-janaka (aphrodisiac) drugs have been explained in Kshinasukra. As Sweta musali and Rajata bhasma are explained as vrisya drugs and widely used by practitioners in the management of male infertility. So, present study wasaimedto know the effect of these drugs in the management of oligospermia. Methodology: Diagnosed cases of oligozoospermia were included in the study and divided into two groups by following a block randomization method. Group A received Sweta musali 10gms and Group B received Rajata bhasma 60mg daily for the duration of two months. Semen analysis was done before treatment and till the completion of study at the interval of 30 days. Results and conclusion: Sweta musali and Rajata bhasma were shown significant improvement in the sperm count, total motility and total abnormality as p<0.05. Comparative effect of drugs was shown almost similar effect on seminal parameters with mild variation.

Author Biographies

Prakash Ashok Kumbhar

Associate Professor, Parul Institute Of Ayurved, Parul University, Vadodara. India. 

Huddar V G

Associate Professor, AIIA , Kayachikitsa Department, Delhi. India. 

Sukumar N N

Professor, Kaychiktsa Department, Danigond Ayurvedic Medical College, Terdal. India. 




How to Cite

Kumbhar, P. A., V G, H., & N N, S. . (2022). Effect of Rajat bhasma and Sweta musali in the management of Ksheenasukra with special reference to oligospermia – A randomized comparative open clinical trial. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 13(2), 391–399. https://doi.org/10.47552/ijam.v13i2.2576



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