Pharmaceutico analytical study of Guduchyadi Avaleha - Modified form of Guduchyadi Ghrita
Guduchyadi Leha, Gadagad, Pharmaceutical analysis, Ayurvedic formulation, Avaleha, Modified formulation, StutteringAbstract
Introduction- Stuttering (Gadgada) word itself indicates the disease in which fluency of speech is impaired. It denotes the un-cleared speech (Avyakta Vak or Shabdha). In Vangsen Samhita, the group of 8 drugs with honey is cited for the treatment of stuttering entitled as Guduchyadi Ghrita. Palatability of Guduchyadi Ghrita is the major concern in the treatment of children to administer as most of children unlike it, so by keeping this in mind Avaleha formulation is prepared which is easily administrable. Guduchyadi Avaleha is a herbo-mineral confection which is prepared by using sugar as a base. This herbal compound is formulated by experienced Aacharya of Ayurved and is used in practice for stuttering. Though it’s a potent formulation; but no standardized reports are available for the manufacturing process of the Guduchyadi Avaleha or its preliminary physico-chemical profiles. Therefore, manufacturing standardize process of preparation and preliminary physic-chemical profiles of Guduchyadi leha was planned. Methods- The prepared lickable formulation was lay open for the analysis of pharmacognostical and pharmaceutical properties like as pH value, Microscopic analysis, loss on drying the sample, reading of ash value, etc. Results – After analysis of Pharmacognostical organoleptic study, loss on drying value, pH, Ash value, Water soluble extract, the result was shown. Conclusion –All the characteristic of formulation sample was observed and the result can be taken as standard value for guduchyadi avaleha.
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