Phyto-pharmacognostical investigation w.s.r.  Micrometric investigation of sheethavar seed (Celosia argentea linn.)


  • Falguni Saraswat
  • Mukesh B Nariya
  • Harisha C R
  • Shukla V J



Celosia, C. Argentea, Celosin, Cock’s comb


Celosia argentea Linn. is a leading leafy vegetable of Nigerian country and India. It is herb, ornamental plant which belongs to family Amaranthaceae also having medicinal use in antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-bacterial, antiapoptosis etc. For proper methodical evaluation, authentication, macroscopy, microscopy, physicochemical parameters, phytochemical screening and qualitative of seed of C. Argentea has been observed under standard approach. The morphological study showed small black shining spherical, lenticular 3mm in diameter, greyish black in color, slightly aromatic in odour and gritty in touch. Microscopical transverse section of cock’s comb seed showed outer layer of epidermis consisting radially elongated rectangular dark brown color cell, narrow collapsed celled band, outer epidermis of tegmen, followed by parenchyma zone with angular cells of perisperm loaded by starch grains and crystals. Cock’s comb inner cell consists of prismatic crystals and aleurone grains. The unplumbed physicochemical parameters and qualitative screening of seed of cock’s comb are as per standard procedure and useful for future analysis.

Author Biographies

Falguni Saraswat

Ph.d Scholar, Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, ITRA, Jamnagar, India.

Mukesh B Nariya

Head, Pharmacology Lab, ITRA, Jamnagar, India.

Harisha C R

Head, Pharmacognosy Lab, ITRA, Jamnagar, India.

Shukla V J

Head, Pharmaceutical Chemistry Lab, ITRA, Jamnagar, India.




How to Cite

Saraswat, F., B Nariya, M. ., C R, H. ., & V J, S. . (2022). Phyto-pharmacognostical investigation w.s.r.  Micrometric investigation of sheethavar seed (Celosia argentea linn.). International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 13(2), 457–462.



Research Articles