Analytical standardization of Shleshmantaka Agad


  • Sonali Chalakh
  • Anita Wanjari
  • Nilima Wadnerwar



Shleshmantaka Agad, Standardization, Physicochemical, Phyto-chemical


Background:  To counter-act the action of visa,(poison) ancient Acharyas have mentioned the different types of Agada. Though Acharyas have mentioned various types of potent Agadas in various poisoning conditions, still these Agadas have neither undergone analytical study nor animal experiment. Shleshmantaka  Agad is one of the drug remedy mentioned in Shushrut Samhita, kalpa sthan  used for treatment of snake bite poisoning. Aim: In present work an attempt has been made to standardize Shleshmantaka Agad. Material & Methods: Physicochemical parameter was tested by Loss on drying, Acid insoluble Ash, Total ash value, Water & Alcohol soluble Extractive Value, HPTLC was used for phytochemical analysis. Result: In analytical study of Shleshmantaka Agad obtained value of Loss on drying, Total ash value, Acid insoluble Ash ,Water & Alcohol soluble Extractive Value are 12%, 10%, 2%, 13%, 1% respectively and in HPLC major constitute phytoamines  was detected. Conclusion: Analytical findings   of present study can be considered as reference standard for SA. As Shleshmantaka Agada is a combination of many phyto-constitutes but major constituent are phytoamines which may be possesses anti-snake venom property.

Author Biographies

Sonali Chalakh

Professor , Department of Agadtantra, , Mahatma Gandhi Ayurveda Medical College Hospital and Research Centre Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences(Deemed To Be University). Wardha. Maharashtra. India.

Anita Wanjari

Professor, Department of Rasshastra – Bhaishajya Kalpana, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurveda Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed To Be University), Wardha. Maharashtra. India. 

Nilima Wadnerwar

Professor, Department of Agadtantra, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurveda Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed To Be University). Wardha. Maharashtra, India.




How to Cite

Chalakh, S., Wanjari, A., & Wadnerwar, N. (2022). Analytical standardization of Shleshmantaka Agad. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 13(2), 504–507.



Research Articles