Acute toxicological study of folklore drug Commiphora Caudata (Wight & Arn.)


  • Balasundar S
  • Ramakrishna A
  • Nisha Raj
  • Govardhan Sahani
  • Rajish U



Toxicology, Folklore drug, Commiphora caudate (Wight & Arn.)


In Ayurvedic medical science medicinal plants are considered as the base for treating the illness. The wide uses of medicinal plants are seen since historical period where ancient Acharyas have documented many of them in various ailments. But recent studies shows that many of the drugs are exploited and it should be taken care immediately to avoid shortage, which can be done through either conservation or substitution. Here the plant Commiphora caudate (Wight & Arn.) is a folklore drug which is used in inflammatory conditions by traditional healers. Hence it is taken to assess the acute toxicity of the drug and the study shows that the oral administration of the Swarasa of the drug Commiphora caudata (Wight & Arn.) considered to be safe as it didn’t exhibit any adverse effect in acute toxicological study on albino rats. 

Author Biographies

Balasundar S

Associate Professor, Department of Dravyaguna Vijnana, Sri Sairam Ayurveda Medical College & Research Centre. Chennai. Tamilnadu. India. 

Ramakrishna A

Assistant Professor, Department of Dravyaguna Vijnana, Sri Sairam Ayurveda Medical College & Research Centre. Chennai. Tamilnadu. India.

Nisha Raj

Associate Professor, Department of Dravyaguna Vijnana, Sri Jeyandra Saraswathi Ayurveda College & Hospital. Chennai. Tamilnadu. India. 

Govardhan Sahani

Assistant Professor, Department of Shalya Tantra, Sri Sairam Ayurveda Medical College & Research Centre. Chennai. Tamilnadu. India. 

Rajish U

Assistant Professor, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishagya Kalpana, Sri Sairam Ayurveda Medical College & Research Centre. Chennai. Tamilnadu. India. 




How to Cite

S, B., A, R., Raj, N., Sahani, G. ., & U, R. (2022). Acute toxicological study of folklore drug Commiphora Caudata (Wight & Arn.). International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 13(2), 388–390.



Research Articles