Management of primary infertility with multifactor etiology - A case report


  • Patil Rupali Tanaji
  • Turlapati Vishala



Hyperprolactinemia, Vandhyatva, Galactorrhea, Kapikacchu Choorna, Primary Infertility, Mucuna pruriens Linn


In this case study patient aged 27 years presented with anxious to conceive since two years of regular and satisfactory marital relationship seeking Ayurvedic line of treatment, diagnosed with unexplained hyperprolactinemia & hyperemic cervix. From detailed history involvement of vitiated Vata and kapha, Agnimandhya noticed. she was treated with samshamani vati and kapikacchu churna orally along with panchavalkal taila yonipichu. With above mentioned medications patient approached with history of missed period and when advised for Urine Pregnancy test and was found to be positive Followed by dating scan confirmed the intrauterine pregnancy. An attempt is made in this article to analyze the probable cause of her infertility and management strategy adopted. 

Author Biographies

Patil Rupali Tanaji

PG Scholar, Streeroga and Prasutitantra Department, Yashwant Ayurvedic Medical College, Kodoli Kolhapur, Maharashtra. India. 

Turlapati Vishala

Professor, Streeroga and Prasutitantra Department, Yashwant Ayurvedic Medical College, Kodoli Kolhapur, Maharashtra. India. 




How to Cite

Tanaji, P. R., & Vishala, T. (2022). Management of primary infertility with multifactor etiology - A case report. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 13(3), 824–827.