Open-Labeled, Randomized, Prospective Controlled Clinical Study to Assess Efficacy of Rasayana Churna and Pranayama in the Management of Rajonivritti Lakshanas w. s. r. to Postmenopausal Syndrome


  • Divya Ramugade
  • Ashwini Shitre



Hormonal replacement therapy (HRT), Postmenopausal Syndrome, Rajonivritti, Rasayana Churna, Pranayama


Background: In modern science, hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) is the only alternative for postmenopausal syndrome whereas non-hormonal pharmacologic therapies have been shown to be less effective than hormonal therapy. So, it was assumed that Rasayana Churna along with Pranayama would be effective in relieving postmenopausal symptoms. Objective: to assess the clinical efficacy of Rasayana Churna and Pranayama in the management of   Rajonivritti Lakshanas w. s. r. to Postmenopausal Syndrome. Methods: The present open-labeled, randomized, prospective controlled clinical study was conducted after IEC approval. Total 60 female patients suffering from Postmenopausal Syndrome were enrolled in the study and randomized into two groups i. e. Group A & Group B. 30 patients in Group A were given Rasayana Churna orally with daily practice of Pranayama was advised. 30 Patients in Group B were advised daily practice of Pranayama for consecutive 12 weeks. The results were assessed by using Menopausal Rating Scale (MRS) and Menopause-Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire (MENQOL). Results: The significant difference was observed in MRS-Total score and MENQOL scores after treatment in both the groups. Out of four scales of MENQOL, the vasomotor, physical and psychological scales showed significant improvement in the group received regimen of Rasayana Churna along with Pranayama as compared with only Pranayama. Only change in sexual scale score was found to be similar in both the groups’ patients. Conclusion: It can be inferred that regimen of Rasayana Churna along with Pranayama was more efficacious in treatment of post-menopausal syndrome as compared with only Pranayama.

Author Biographies

Divya Ramugade

Ph. D. Scholar, Professor and Head, Dept of Prasutitantra evam Streerog, D. Y. Patil deemed to be University School of Ayurveda, Nerul, Navi Mumbai. India.   

Ashwini Shitre

Professor and Head, Dept of Balrog, Shri VNHT’s Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Rahuri, Ahmednagar. India. 




How to Cite

Ramugade, D., & Shitre, A. . (2023). Open-Labeled, Randomized, Prospective Controlled Clinical Study to Assess Efficacy of Rasayana Churna and Pranayama in the Management of Rajonivritti Lakshanas w. s. r. to Postmenopausal Syndrome. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 13(4), 952–956.



Research Articles