Physiological correlation of the function of thyroid hormones as an entity of Agni


  • Nikunj Thakkar
  • Prakash Ashok Kumbhar



Agni, Homoeostasis, Enzymes, Metabolism


Agni is an important concept explained in ayurvedic classics and which is considered as main causes for the manifestation of disease in the body. It controls the wide range of the biochemical reaction in the body from digestion to production of new cells. It has different forms like enzymes, hormones and secretions through which in controls the activities of body like production, maintenance and destruction of cells and tissues. Considered the role of thyroid hormones and its functions in the production maintenance of haemostasis od the body it can be considered as an entity of Agni (not whole Agni). Thyroid hormones play role in the digestion of food at GI level, it helps in biochemical reaction at tissue level and it also plays role in the conversion of the heterogenous substances to homogenous substances for the maintenance of haemostasis of body. So, here an attempt is made to corelate the functions of thyroid hormones as a part of Agni. 

Author Biographies

Nikunj Thakkar

Associate Professor, Shree RMD Ayurveda College and Hospital, Waghaldhara, Gujarat. India. 

Prakash Ashok Kumbhar

Associate Professor, Parul Institute of Ayurveda, Parul University, Limda, Vadodara. India. 




How to Cite

Thakkar, N. ., & Kumbhar, P. A. (2023). Physiological correlation of the function of thyroid hormones as an entity of Agni. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, 13(4), 836–845.